By: Amanda Bennett, Eric Richer, Clint Schroeder, OSU Extension
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The first quarter results from a survey of Ohio retail fertilizer prices showed prices were varied when compared to the national averages reported by Progressive Farmer – DTN (Quinn, 2025). The survey was completed by 16 retailers, representing 13 counties, who do business in the state of Ohio. Respondents were asked to quote spot prices as of the first day of the quarter (January 1st) based on sale type indicated. This is part of a larger study conducted by OSU Extension to better understand local fertilizer prices, which began in December 2023.
The survey found the average price of fertilizers was lower in Ohio compared to the national prices for four fertilizers, UAN, MAP, APP and potash. However, only two were significantly lower, defined as more than 5% lower than the national average. UAN and potash were both significantly lower than the national average at 10.4% lower per ton and 6.5% lower per ton, respectively.
When compared to prices from the last quarter’s survey, two fertilizers were up significantly (more than 5%): UAN, up to $292/ton from $271/ton and DAP at $743/ton from $704/ton.
The chart below (Table 1.) is the summary of the survey responses. The responses (n) are the number of survey responses for each product. The minimum and maximum values reflect the minimum and maximum values reported in the survey. The average is the simple average of all survey responses for each product rounded to the nearest dollar. We recognize that many factors influence a company’s spot price for fertilizer including but not limited to availability, geography, volume, cost of freight, competition, regulation, etc.
Table 1. First Quarter 2025 Ohio Fertilizer Prices
Product | Responses
(n) |
Sale Type | Min
$/ton |
$/ton |
$/ton |
NH3 | 8 | FOB Plant | 720 | 780 | 752 |
UAN 28-0-0 | 13 | Direct to Farm | 271 | 323 | 292 |
Urea 46-0-0 | 12 | FOB Plant | 440 | 510 | 491 |
MAP 11-52-0 | 11 | FOB Plant | 740 | 835 | 800 |
DAP18-46-0 | 6 | FOB Plant | 705 | 765 | 743 |
APP 10-34-0 | 10 | Direct to Farm | 590 | 635 | 613 |
Potash 0-0-60 | 13 | FOB Plant | 350 | 445 | 415 |
Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0-24 | 10 | FOB Plant | 325 | 562 | 460 |
Thio-Sulfate 12-0-0-26 | 10 | FOB Plant | 325 | 458 | 358 |
Due to low responses, poultry litter and diesel prices was not included in Quarter 1 survey results. If you are a retailer interested in participating in this study, please contact Amanda Bennett at
Quinn, R. 2025. DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends. DTN Progressive Farmer. Accessed online January 8, 2025 at
Bennett, A., Richer, E., & Schroeder, C, (2024). 2024 Fourth Quarter Fertilizer Prices Across Ohio. Farm Office Blog.