Forage Management Economics

The University of Kentucky, Department of Agricultural Economics has developed a series of Fact Sheets and Computer Decision Aids for forage production.  In response to many questions concerning the economics of numerous recommended forage production practices, a Forage Economics Quick Response Team was named to investigate the general topic of forage economics. The Forage Economics QRT has developed nine publications and three computer based decision aids to help producers analyze the economic consequences of adopting new forage production, harvesting, and storage practices on their farm. The titles of the following publications and decision aids should provide a good idea of the specific topic addressed by each.

The nine publications developed were:
The Economics of Forage Management Decisions in Your Beef Operation – AEC 2005-01A.
The Economics of Grazing Alfalfa- AEC 2005-01B.
The Economics of Replacing Endophyte Infected Fescue- AEC 2005- 01C.
The Economics of Hay Storage – AEC 2005-01D.
The Economics of Rotational Grazing – AEC 2005-02.
The Economics of Renovating Pastures with Clover – AEC 2005-04.
The Economics of Using Improved Red Clover Varieties – AEC 2005-05.
Economics of Pasture Fertilization – AEC 2005-06.
Economics of Hay Production and Harvesting – AEC 2005-10.

The three decision aids developed:
Hay Storage Decision Aid
Pasture Improvement Investment Tool
Hay Production and Harvesting Enterprise Budgeting Decision Aid

All of these publications and decision aids are available for printing or downloading from the Departmental Web site. The decision aids require use of the Excel spreadsheet program to adapt them to specific farm situations. The Web site address is:

Once at this web site, click on the Extension and Outreach tab on the left of the screen and then on Farm Management on the left of the next screen. This will get you the listing of publications available for printing or downloading. To get to the decision aids, click on the Decision Aid button at the left of the Farm Management screen. They can be down loaded to your computer. Once the decision aids are downloaded, they can be used to analyze any number of specific situations. They should help to better understand and appreciate the economic consequences of the forage production practices they implement.  A special thank you to Dick Trimble, University of Kentucky for his assistance with these resources.

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