Palmer Amaranth
Family: Pigweed, Amaranthaceae.
Life cycle: Summer annual.
Description: An erect summer annual that may reach 6 1/2 feet in height. Palmer amaranth closely resembles many other pigweed species,
Seedlings: Stems below the cotyledons (hypocotyls) are without hairs (glabrous), and are often red in color. Cotyledons are narrow and green to reddish in color on the upper surface. Lower surfaces of cotyledons have a reddish tint. First true leaves are alternate, ovate in shape, and are slightly notched at the tip of the leaf blade
Roots: Taproot that is often, but not always, reddish in color
Stem: One central stem occurs from which several lateral branches arise. Stems are without hairs and can appear glossy.
Leaves: Alternate, without hairs (glabrous), and lance-shaped or egg-shaped in outline. Leaves are 2 to 8 inches long and 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches wide with prominent white veins on the undersurface. Leaves occur on relatively long petioles.
Flower/Seedhead: Small, green, inconspicuous flowers are produced in dense, compact, terminal panicles that are from 1/2 to 1 1/2 feet long. Smaller lateral flowers also occur between the stem and the leaf petioles (leaf axils). Male and female flowers occur on separate plants. Each terminal panicle contains many densely packed branched spikes that have bracts that are 3 to 6 mm long; can produce 500 thousand to 1 million seeds per plant.
Similar Plants: Loosely resembles many other pigweed species. Palmer’s petioles are as long or longer than the actual leaf. This plant is hairless and has elongated seed heads. Leaves are typically more diamond shaped than other pigweed species, and occasionally has one hair at the tip of the leaf.
The Problem is……..Palmer amaranth is one of the most difficult weeds to control in agricultural crops. It developed a major glyphosate resistance problem in the southern US from 2006-2010, and has been spreading in the midwestern US since, causing crop loss and increases in weed management costs. Characteristics that make it a successful annual weed include: rapid growth rate; wide window of emergence (early May through late summer); prolific seed production (upwards of 500,000 seeds/plant); tendency to develop herbicide resistance; and tolerance to many post-emergence herbicides when more than 3 inches tall.