Many dairy herds are implementing a beef-dairy crossbreeding program for all or a portion of their lactating cows in order to add value to newborn calves. This webinar will provide a practical approach to assess a beef-dairy crossbreeding program with emphasis on the maternity and survival and performance of postpartum calves and cows. The webinar is free of charge, but you must register (available in English and Spanish).
Who should attend?
- Dairy producers/managers, veterinarians, consultants, industry, Extension/academia, students and others interested in learning about dairy cattle.
Topic: Short presentations of ~40 min in length followed by Q&A.
- Maternity: Assessing a beef-dairy crossbreeding program – Dr. Gustavo M. Schuenemann, The Ohio State University
- April 28, 2022 (English session)
- April 29, 2022 (Spanish session)
Time: 5:00-6:30 p.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time) each day.
REGISTER HERE: The webinar will be delivered using the ZOOM platform.