ClrN is given but PreN is not given, which is causing confusion. So just skip Part b of Prob 4 (11.9)
Include propagation delays in your timing diagrams (HW03)
Screencast23 is online
HW3 due date is Wednesday, March 23
My previous post had a typo, it said “Sunday” instead of “Wednesday”
Screencast22 is online – required watching for HW3
HW3 has been posted
Due Date: Wednesday, March 23. 11:59pm
No class on Monday, March 7
As announced in class on Friday, there will be no class on Monday since we are a bit ahead in lectures.
HW3 will be posted on Wednesday, March 9
Some of the material for HW3 will need the lecture on Wednesday, March 9. So in order to give you a full week to work on the HW (considering the Spring break week), the due date will be midnight Wednesday, March 23.