Today I used a different laptop to screencast both the classes and it failed to save the screencasts in both the classes because the computer froze up on me. So I am uploading screencasts from previous semesters which cover exactly the material I covered in class today. Note that for ECE2020 there are two screencasts: 4a and 4b
Month: August 2018
ECE2020-2060: Screencast3 is online
ECE2060: Secreencast3 has a watermark on it. This watermark will not appear in future screencasts.
ECE2020-2060: No HW this week
ECE2060: Syllabus has been updated to version 0.99
A typo has been corrected. Please download the latest version to avoid confusion
ECE2020-2060: Screencast2 is online
ECE2020-2050: Version 0.98 of the syllabus is online
The syllabus is now complete, except for the office numbers of the lecture GTAs, both for ECE2020 and ECE2060.
ECE2020-2060: Syllabus has been updated to version 0.9
Some office hours and office numbers have been added
ECE2020-2060: Screencast1 is online
It is very important to watch this first screencast, especially for online students. It will introduce you to how this class is run and the logistics of assignments etc.
Welcome ECE2020 and ECE2060 Students!
This site is alive now!