Month: April 2019
Correction to prob2, HW7, has been posted
HW5 solutions have been uploaded
HW7 solutions have been uploaded
HW7 has been uploaded
HW7 will not be graded, there is no need to turn it in.
HW6 solutions have been uploaded
Screencast36 is online
Pick up your HWs and MTs
You can go to the office hours of the GTA assigned to you by your last name to pick up your HWs and MTs.
Come to the last class on April 22 (Monday) and earn 2% free points
Come to class and fill out the department ABET forms and SEIs. Attendance will be taken.
What is covered in the final
The final will cover 25% from MT1 material, 25% from MT2 material, and 50% from materiel covered after MT2.
Material covered after MT2: Lessons 23 to 28 (inclusive). Lesson 16 (until page 14), Lesson 17 (until page 4). HWs 5, 6 and 7. Screencasts 25 to 36 (inclusive)