Congratulations to all the graduated Toxic Sewer Goblins!!!!
Toxic Sewer Goblin Khans! Grades have been posted!
It was a pleasure having you in class this semester. Have a great summer! doing whatever sewer goblins do during summers!
Grades have been posted based on the following scale (final numerical grades were rounded up):
93+ A
90+ A-
87+ B+
83+ B
80+ B-
77+ C+
73+ C
70+ C-
67+ D+
60+ D
0+ E
Screencast39 is online
Unfortunately the audio for Screencast39 was lost because the microphone decide to break on the last day of class. The new material we covered was on PALs. I am also posting an older screencast that covers this material. You may also want to look at the 9:11 mark where I partially built the truth table for Prob. 1 of the Final.
Start working on the final at once!!!
Even though you have 7 days to finish your final, start working on the final at once and take full advantage of the office hours. There will be no extension for this exam since it will need to be graded and then grades need to be submitted on time. Don’t wait till the last hour to finish this. Office hours will end after April 29!
Final exam has been posted
Due Date: Friday, April 29. 11:59pm
Screencast38 is online!
Watch this screencast! it is relevant for the final exam which will be posted by tonight.