Month: October 2018
ECE2060: HW5 has been posted
ECE2020: What is included in MT2
Note: This post is for ECE2020 and not for ECE2060.
MT2 will cover Lessons 8 to 13 (inclusive), HW 4 & 5, and screencasts13 to 23 (inclusive). For Screencast23 only the material until the 22 min 16 sec mark is included. You should also know the material covered in MT1 since the basic circuit analysis concepts were covered in that material.
ECE2020 Lecture Students: There will be no lecture on Monday, Oct. 29
Note: Recitation students will have their recitation classes on Monday, Oct. 29.
ECE2020-2060: Friday’s screencast is online
ECE2060: HW4 solutions have been posted
ECE2020: HW4 and HW5 solutions have been posted
ECE2020: Wednesday’s screencast25 is all about solving HW4 problems
Friday’s screencast26 will be about solving HW5
ECE2020-2060: Wednesday’s screencast is on line
ECE2020: HW5 has been posted. This HW will not be graded.
No need to hand in HW5. It is for practice only. MT2 will include the materiel covered in HW5.