Grades have been posted based on the following weights (according to our syllabus):
Lab: 20%, HW: 20%, MT1: 15%, MT2: 20%, Final 25%
90+ A-
87+ B+
83+ B
80+ B-
77+ C+
73+ C
70+ C-
0+ E
Grades have been posted based on the following weights (according to our syllabus):
Lab: 20%, HW: 20%, MT1: 15%, MT2: 20%, Final 25%
It was a pleasure having such big fat toxic babies in this class. Offblast!!!
When I said “the Binomial formula”, I mean the “the Quadratic formula”.
The last part of the screencast was lost. That missing part was solving a problem outside the material of this class and not related to the Final.
Due Date: Sunday, Dec. 12. 11:59pm
Posted it early to give you more flexibility, if you are already done with HW7.
Watch the beginning of Screencast25 for HW7 related stuff
I will have an extra 2:15 pm-3:15 pm office hour after the class on Dec. 7 (Tuesday)
Recall that I we have a scheduled 2:15 pm-3:15 pm office hour after the calls tomorrow (Dec. 2)
Note: During these office hours I will start answering questions at the end of the class and I will leave after students have stopped asking questions. So, if you have a question then come to class or be there at the start of the office hour.