Month: November 2018
ECE2020-2060: HW7 is online
ECE2020-2060: Monday’s screencast is online
ECE2020 Students
If you have any questions/issues related to your lab grades then pleaseĀ contact your lab GTA, Siamak Shojaei, by the end of this week. After that the grades will get frozen in.
ECE2020 and 2060 Lecture Students. 2% bonus.
Attend the last day of class (Wed. Dec. 5) and get 2% bonus points. You can use this time to fill out the SEI and Department Abet forms, but you are not required to do so. You will get 2% just for coming to class. Attendance will be taken.
Recitation students: You will get a similar message about attending the last day of your recitation class from your recitation instructors.
ECE2020-2060: Final will be accumulative as shown below:
25% from MT1 material, 25% from MT2 material, and 50% from materiel covered after MT2.