School Garden Week of December 19th, 2022

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

We have serious cold coming up over break!  Make sure your beds are covered!  If you have plastic then add the plastic over the row cover.  If you have extra row cover then place that over the first layer and feel free to double up.

For GTS participants – You should have gotten an email from Lauren about the November survey.  Let us know if you did not.

Holiday break is coming up in a little over a week.  Indoors under LED lights:

  • BEST OPTION: Harvest and share with your students.  Send me pics if you are unsure if they are harvest-ready.  My email is
  • Transplanting outdoors is possible but since we are late in the season and it is cold outside with no chance to harden off the seedlings, there is a significant chance they do not survive the transplant process.  That said,  you may want to try transplanting if you have no other option. Pick the warmest part of the day and recover the row cover immediately.
  • If you are harvested and done, then clean out the pots and tray with soapy water and unplug the lights so that it is good to go in January.
  • You can send the plants home with the students if you put them in different pots like milk cartons or styrofoam cups.  DO NOT SEND HOME THE GTS POTS!  They stay with the system.
  • Here is a timer video to help you navigate programming your timer for when you return.



The Aerogarden website has a tremendous amount of content to assist with maintenance of the units, troubleshooting problems, or how to take care of the plants in the system.  CHECK IT OUT if you are having problems.

Any questions about your growing?  Email me at

Have a safe and restful break.  See you next year!

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