Gardening Classes with Franklinton Farms this Spring @ Columbus Library – Franklinton Branch

The seed starting class on Thursday March 19th has been cancelled following the University policy regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. 


There are two classes scheduled this spring in partnership with Franklinton Farms to support the Buckeye ISA project.  You do not have to be a participant in the project to attend, the classes are free and open to the public.  If you have children under 8 years old in your family and you like to garden however, there are some benefits of materials and education provided by the project.  Let me know if that is of interest.  Bring your friends and your questions and see you at the Franklinton Branch of Columbus Public Library.

CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the flyer –> Franklinton ISA Flyer 2020 Classes

Seed Starting

Seed Starting basics in partnership with Scotts Miracle-Gro,  Columbus City Schools and Ohio State University Extension.  While some material is specific to the educator training in the partnership,  the video should be useful for any backyard growers, community gardeners or urban farmers who wish to start their own seeds.



Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Growers 2020 Now Available

The 2020 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Growers is now available.  There is a new interface that can be used to address specific pests on specific crops as well as the page view that was traditional.




Small Farm Conference on March 14th 2020

There is an upcoming Small Farm Conference and Trade Show in Mansfield on March 14th, 2020.  Click the pictures of the brochure to enlarge or scroll down the page to find a link for the PDF.



Click HERE to view, print or download the flyer –> Small Farm Conference Brochure 2020