Grow Your Own Fresh Veggies Over Winter

I like to say that Ohio is a four season growing environment.  I grow and harvest every month of the year including January and February.  I recently did a class on Growing Over Winter and many asked if I had a recording of that to view.  You are in luck.  Check out the Growing Over Winter webinar below.

There is still plenty of time to get seeds in the ground so that you can enjoy some fresh veggies all year long.

2 thoughts on “Grow Your Own Fresh Veggies Over Winter

  1. Thank you very much for all the information . I been working on project of leman, olive and fig tree indoor and outdoor. I got some leman and figs fruit but I cant get any olive fruit . do you know about that or do you want to work on that kind of project . my house like a garden.
    Thank you very much again..

    • Greetings, It is difficult to grow olives in Ohio due to our colder climate. You may be able to do so if you can identify a warm micro environment in your yard or have the ability to protect the trees over winter with row cover or similar. CLICK HERE for a fact sheet on growing olives along with some recommendations for varieties that have some cold tolerance. It may or may not be possible to do this but good luck!

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