Spicy Radish Pickles

Radishes are one of my favorite vegetables to grow.  Easy, early and tasty, they signal spring harvest.  They make dynamite pickles and are a great way to use fresh harvested radishes from your garden.  Jenny and I are at it again with a quick and easy two-minute video to show you how to grow, harvest and prepare spicy radish pickles.

7 thoughts on “Spicy Radish Pickles

  1. This is great! I was just wondering what I was going to do with my radishes. I assume the jar then goes in the fridge or you can process it for shelf-storage? How long should the jar sit before the pickles are ready?

  2. I am glad you enjoyed the video. The jar is lidded and immediately in the fridge. I tried mine a day later and they were great. This is not a canned shelf stable recipe, so place in fridge after lid is put on.

  3. Joni,

    If you check out the description in the YouTube link it has both the time (2 weeks) and the recipe link. Thanks!

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