Ohio is a four season growing state. Fall is a great season to grow in as the weather improves with the heat decreasing, rain comes back and there is still plenty of light outside for vegetable production.
The weather projection is looking decent for a warm fall, which means we may get a little extra time for growing down the line. I use the NOAA weather prediction as a guide for my planting throughout the year.
Right now it is looking like a greater chance of a warm fall and an equal chance for normal precipitation. That is making me plant a few more summer vegetables for fall harvest. I can always throw row cover over it for an overnight frost.
Right now there is still time to plant lots of vegetables. I will start the cucumber, yellow squash, and zucchini under the lights as my heavy clay impedes germination when it dries out.
I also started lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli raab, bok choi and a last little bit of basil. The cool season crops will germinate and mature indoors then go out later in September when it cools down a bit. I will do multiple plantings of lettuce indoors and at least one more of bok choi.
If you want to try your hand at seed starting I have lots of links on Growing Franklin to share.
Outdoors right now there is still time to plant summer cucurbits, beets, carrots, swiss chard, most brassica greens plus green beans in terms of summer crops. I will hold off on outdoor cool season plantings of spinach, arugula, lettuce, turnips and radishes for now and wait until closer to Labor Day.
The goal is to have harvest all the way through Thanksgiving dinner and it is almost always possible.
If you have some free space in your garden I recommend you take advantage of the time left for planting. With a little planning and some frost protection you can extend your harvest deep into the fall and even into the Winter.
Thank you Tim. This is very helpful! Do i understand that you are starting all the vegetables indoors and nothing directly into the soil?
Greetings, I start both indoors and outdoors. In fact the cucurbits and most all of the other plantings I have listed could be started outdoors as well including the brassicas but my heavy clay soil impedes germination so I start them indoors and then transplant. You could do outdoors as well.