Want to send your 4-H Cloverbud to Camp Palmer?

Register your Cloverbud for this exciting opportunity at: go.osu.edu/cp_cloverbudcamp

*Credit Card Payments are being accepted through Fulton Co. Extension Office, please direct any credit card-related payments to their office at : 419-337-9210

**Cash & Check Payments can be dropped off at the Fulton County Extension Office. Be sure checks are made out OSU or Ohio State University.


2023 Virtual Skillathons NOW OPEN

News from 4-H Animal Sciences–the 2023 Virtual Skillathons are now open through October 20th. This opportunity is open to Ohio 4-H or FFA members between the ages of 8 and 18 as of January 1, 2023. This is a great chance to practice for the Ohio State Fair Skillathon contests or learn more about your species projects.


Please note: this is NOT a replacement for the in-county Skillathon contest and will not qualify you for the Outstanding Market or Species Exhibitor competition at the Fulton County Fair.

HELP WANTED: OSF Educational Assistants

The 2023 Ohio State Fair is just 56 days away with fair food, the butter cow, Smokey Bear and of course, 4-H project judging! We are accepting applications for Educational Assistants for the 2023 Ohio State Fair. This is a paid position starting around July 24 and ending on August 7. Applicants must be available to work the entire run of the state fair.
Complete the application online at the links below:

4-H alumna receives The Paul A. Smith and Ethel I. Smith 4-H Scholarship


Ohio 4-H recognizes and rewards individual excellence, whether it is in project work, leadership, citizenship or community service. Ohio 4-H Scholarships were established in 1976 in order to help young people become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society.

The Fulton County 4-H program is proud to congratulate 4-H alumna, Chloe Creque, as a recipient of The Paul A. Smith and Ethel I. Smith 4-H Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to an Ohio State University student in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences studying a farming or other agriculture-related discipline.

Chloe is an Animal Science major with a Pre-Vet focus and a member of the Arts Scholars. She has joined the OSU Animal Welfare Judging team and placed 2nd in her first National competition. Looking ahead at her next year at Ohio State, Chloe will be a Resident Assistant in addition to serving as the Service Chair for the Disney Club. As for her 4-H involvement, Chloe is currently fulfilling the end of her reign as the 2022-23 Fulton County 4-H Queen.

Congratulations, Chloe! Best wishes to you in all your future endeavors!


Have an announcement or recognition to share about your club or member? Email Sara at Lewis.3213@osu.edu or submit a Club Corner report to see your story featured.

Fulton County Jr. Fair-Tagging Day REMINDER! JUNE 3, 2023

Reminder – Saturday, June 3rd is Tag-In and Tattoo Day for the following Junior Fair animals:  Dairy Feeders, Beef Feeders, Market Lambs, Born & Raised Lambs, Market Hogs, Market Goats, and Roaster Rabbits.

Sheep, feeder calves, and hogs pay $2/tag (exact cash only please).

As you arrive at the fairgrounds for your species tagging, please take note of all the signs on the grounds. Please have all paperwork filled out to help keep the lines moving. 

  • Market Goats – 9:00am-12:00pm (in front of Dairy Barn)
  • Roaster Rabbits – 8:00am-11:00am (north end of Rabbit/Poultry Barn)
  • Beef & Dairy Feeders – 9:00am-12:00pm (Spangler arena-enter through south end)
  • Market Hogs – 9:00am-12:00pm (Spangler arena-enter through south end)
  • Market Sheep – 12:00pm-2:00pm (Spangler arena-enter through south end)

You will find on the Fulton County Junior Fair webpage each of the following forms that you may need to bring with you already completed to tag-in day to keep the lines moving efficiently.

  • Sheep Born & Raised Market Lamb Form
  • Tag-in Day Registration Form (for hogs, sheep, feeder calves, and all steers)

If you are exhibiting a breeding goat or breeding rabbit at the Fulton County Junior Fair and do not already have it tattooed, you are welcome to attend tattoo day to get your animal tattooed.

NOTE: Please refer to the Fulton County 4-H Handbook for specific species requirements. Remember, the 4-H or FFA member is NOT required to be present at tagging day. If you are not able to attend the appropriate tagging/tattooing day, you must arrange for someone else to bring your animal to the fairgrounds.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our office at 419-337-9210.

4-H & FFA Advisors: Please share with your exhibitors and members again to ensure they’ve received the reminder and instructions for the 2023 Jr. Fair Tagging Day!!!

Fulton County Jr. Fair News & Updates-Livestock ID/Tag-In (Species Details)

RULES FOR ALL LIVESTOCK ID/TAG-IN (Check page 10 for link to Tag-In Registration Form details)

  • The 4-H/FFA member does not have to be present at the ID/Tag-In Day; but must make arrangements with someone else to get animal there.
  • If an exhibitor fails to have an animal tagged in on the appropriate tag in day, they will be allowed to show their animal but will not be eligible for Grand or Reserve Champion, or Showmanship placing and will receive market price only. The exhibitor cannot participate in the Junior Fair Livestock (donation) Sale.
  • If a tag comes out, it will be replaced for $2. The animal will still be eligible for all awards, and can sell in the Junior Fair Livestock (donation) sale.
  • If animal tags are found to be tampered with the exhibitor will be allowed to show for grade only (will not be eligible for any awards) and will receive market price only. The exhibitor cannot participate in the Junior Fair Livestock (donation) Sale.


Tag-In Day Registration Form (for Hogs, Sheep & Feeder Calves)

NOTE: print as many as you need; bring completed with you to Tag-In


RABBITS – Possession date, June 1 for Breeding Rabbit and Roasters.  Fryer project does must be in possession by June 1.   All MARKET FRYERS & ROASTERS rabbits must have a permanent and legible tattoo in the rabbit’s RIGHT ear before checking in at the fair. All BREED rabbits must have a permanent and legible tattoo in the rabbit’s LEFT ear before checking in at the fair. Tattoo Days are open to all.  Cost is free to Junior Fair exhibitors, $1 per rabbit for others.

  • Mandatory Roaster Tattoo Day – June 3, 8:00am-11:00am. | Mandatory Market Rabbit Fryer Tattoo Day – August 5, 8:00am—10:00am (must bring mother doe along) | Both Tattoo Days will be in the Rabbit Barn at the Fairgrounds. You may have a friend, 4-H/FFA project leader, family member etc. bring your rabbit for this tattoo/ID.  The 4-H or FFA member does NOT have to be present.
  • There is a permanent tattoo kit available to check out at the Extension Office for non-market rabbits only.
  • Please note: Pet rabbits do not go to the Fair.


POULTRY – Pre order market turkeys and market chickens (broilers).  Market turkeys should be in possession week of April 24 and market broilers should be in possession week of July 17.

Junior Fair Poultry Show Clarifications: The following 4-H poultry projects are not eligible for Junior Fair market/breed classes, but could be exhibited in the Fulton County Fair Open Class (enroll utilizing the Fulton County Fair Handbook) and exhibited in Junior Fair Showmanship: 150 DM – Market Duck and 150 TE – Fancy Turkey.  150 H – Helmeted Guinea Fowl will show as a fancy poultry project.  A Pair of ducks exhibit is a breeding pair (1 male, 1 female).

 Geese are not  permitted to exhibit at the Fulton County Fair.

 Market turkey suggested weight is 25—50 lbs. 

 Pullorum testing-Pullorum testing for chickens will take place on August 5, 2023 8:00am-10:00am on the Fulton County Fairgrounds-South End of Rabbit/Poultry Barn. Pullorum testing for turkeys will be exempt for 2023. See Section 14 of Fulton County 4-H Handbook for more details.


MARKET HOGSPossession date, June 1.  Hog ID Day June 3, from 9am—12 noon at the Fulton County Fairgrounds.

  • The cost for each tag is $2.00 (exact cash only) and must be paid that day. See Fulton County 4-H Handbook for specific tagging details.
  • If a tag is lost, but the ear notch matches, the tag will be replaced for $2.


FEEDER CALVES – Possession date – June 1st; Mandatory Identification Day – June 3, 2023, 9 am-12pm. Dairy Feeder Calves must be 100% dairy. They will be inspected at the Identification Day on June 3. Crossbreeds will show as a beef feeder calf.

Please note: 

  • The Senior Fair Board and the Livestock Sale Committee will again use the double auction method for feeder calves. More information is available at the Extension Office and in the Fulton County 4-H Handbook.
  • A heifer calf shown on Friday night at the Beef Breeding Show cannot be shown Saturday in the Feeder Calf Class. These must be two separate animals.

2023 Fulton County Jr. Fair 4-H & FFA  Feeder Calf Vaccinations

Required shots for feeder calves to be shown at the Fulton County Fair. Pick up medication and a form from Northwest Veterinary Hospital. The form must be filled out, signed by the person administering the vaccine, and presented at the gate with your animal on the day of check in.  Questions concerning feeder calf vaccinations should be directed to: Northwest Veterinary Hospital

Week of July 10

One Dose (5cc Sub Q) “Triangle 4” (virashield 6)

One Dose Intranasal “TSV-2” (1cc in each nostril)

Week of July 31

One Booster Dose (5cc Sub Q) “Triangle 4” (virashield 6)

One Dose Intranasal “TSV-2” (1cc in each nostril)


MARKET STEERSMandatory Identification Day was January 7, 2023

The Fulton County Livestock Sale Committee requires all Dairy Steers, Market Steers, and Born and Raised Steers to be electronically ear tagged to be eligible for show at the Fulton County Junior Fair.  The 2023 steer tag in date was January 7.  Although an exhibitor is allowed to tag 2 animals per project number, only one animal per project will be allowed to weigh-in and show in each category at the fair.

All “Born & Raised Steers” must have been identified and tagged in June of 2022 as a feeder calf in order to show as a “Born & Raised Steer” at the 2023 fair.  A “Born & Raised” Animal Certificate and the ID card should have been completed and turned in at the Tag-In Day or to the Extension Office by January 7.


MARKET SHEEP Possession date, June 1st.  Mandatory ID Day – June 3, 2023 12:00 noon-2:00pm


  • All Born & Raised Sheep must be born and raised in Fulton County. No exceptions.
  • Only one animal will be allowed to weigh-in and show at the fair per project carried by the youth exhibitor.


GOATSPossession date, June 1.  Goat Tattoo Day – June 3, 9:00am – 12:00 noon at the Fulton County Fairgrounds, in front of Dairy Barn Market goats (dairy and boer) will be tattooed and it will be recorded, requirement to participate in the Fulton County Junior Fair Show and Sale.


The federal scrapies regulations for sheep and goats were revised in March 2019.  This revision means goats, including slaughter goats and commercial goats that were previously exempted, will need to be individually officially identified or group identified with a group lot ID with some exceptions.

Federal requirements:

Sexually intact goats of any age and wethers 18 months of age or older, that are not in slaughter channels must be officially individually identified before moving off the premises where they reside or move as a single flock–of–origin group with group/lot ID and an owner/hauler statement to:

  • another premise belonging to the same flock/herd,
  • an in–state site to be officially identified, or
  • a federally approved livestock market (in–state or out–of–state) to be officially identified.

Further information is available at the Fulton County OSU Extension Office.  All market ewes, wethers, breeding sheep, market goats, dairy goats, pygmy goats and Boer/Boer cross breeding goats must have the ODA approved Scrapie ID from the flock of origin before entering the Fulton County Fairgrounds.  Scrapie cards are available on our website under Junior Fair Forms. All goats must have a form of permanent identification (tattoo, tag, microchip) before entering the Fairgrounds.

Fulton County Jr. Fair News & Updates-General Info, Jr. Fair Sale, Blue Ribbon, ODA

General Info

Participation in the Fulton County Junior Fair exhibits and shows is voluntary.  It is the expectation of the Livestock Sale Committee and Fulton County Senior Fair Directors that youth exhibit their own animals.  Off-grounds events are not considered special circumstances.


Dates of Animal Possession

All steers must have been in the possession of a 4-H and/or FFA member by January 1, 2023.

All feeder calves, sheep, dairy cattle, goats, roaster rabbits, market rabbit breed does, horses, hogs, llamas, poultry (except broilers) must be in the possession of the 4-H and/or FFA member by June 1, 2023.

Please note, the above dates may differ slightly from the 2023 Ohio State Fair dates of possession. If you are exhibiting an animal at the Ohio State Fair, please refer to ohiostatefair.com/livestock for their dates.


Junior Fair Sale Animal Designation

Sale animal designation for the Junior Fair Livestock (Donation) Sale is made in the Blue Ribbon Online entry, which is required for all animals exhibited at fair.  This includes all 4-H/FFA members taking a steer, feeder calf, Gallon of Milk, market rabbit, turkey, “Pen of Three” broilers, market lamb, market goat, or market hog project. Designations will not be allowed after the entry form deadline. Changes are only permitted if the animal is chosen as Grand/Reserve Champion, if the animal dies at the fair, or if the animal doesn’t come to the fair.



Junior Fair Entries are due by August 1 and are required via “Blue Ribbon Online” for ALL ANIMALS to exhibit at the Fulton County Junior Fair.  The web portal will be open for registration from July 1, 2023 at 12:00am– August 1, 2023 at 11:59pm (EST).  LATE ENTRIES ONLY ACCEPTED UNTIL AUGUST4 BY 4:30PM AT THE EXTENSION OFFICE BY WITH A $20 LATE FEE. The online link and instructions will be available at go.osu.edu/FultonJrFair. These instructions will assist you in completing your on-line entry.  Please read and follow the instructions before entering your online entry.  There is information included in these instructions to assist you through the process and make sure everything is entered correctly. There is one set of instructions for “individuals” and one for “Group” (2 youth or more).

Have questions about Blue Ribbon Online entries?  Email fultonbrhelp@gmail.com for assistance.



All animals coming into Ohio from Michigan have health requirements. For a copy of the Ohio State Regulations on Health Requirements Governing the Admission of Animals or other information on current animal health regulations, contact DVM-Chief, Division of Animal Industry, Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, 8995 East Main St., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.

Ph:  614-728-6220 or 1-800-282-1955.

For mandatory ODA rules on exhibiting animals see http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/901-19-31 through code 901-19-39.  Copies are also available at the OSU Extension Office.

4-H Council Meetings

What is 4-H Council?

The purpose of 4-H Council is:

  • To ensure that 4-H, as a youth organization, is available to all youth in this County who meet the 4-H Cloverbud Program or Age-Grade Policy:
  • To help analyze the needs and interests of all county youth enrolled in the county 4-H program.
  • To assist with planning, evaluating, and recommending 4-H educational experiences and programs that will meet the needs and interests of these youth.
  • To assist in the recruitment and development of leadership to work with the 4-H program.
  • To seek local financial resources, as needed, to conduct, promote and expand the 4-H program.
  • Meet the standards of usage to protect the 4-H Name and Emblem as set by National 4-H Council.
  • Sponsor and support county recognition for 4-H members and leaders.
  • Support the county’s participation in events and activities outside the county.
  • Confer and cooperate with the OSU Extension staff.
  • Publicize the objectives and philosophy of 4-H work and serve in an advocacy role when necessary.
  • Encourage youth leadership in all aspects of the program.

How can I be involved?

Currently, only about 5-7 out of the 34 Fulton County 4-H clubs are represented. YOU SHOULD JOIN US! All club and project volunteers are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings, but one vote per club. Did you know that 4-H Council has the opportunity to have 4 youth members serve as part of the committee? This will be an option on upcoming Older Youth Opportunity forms–stay tuned for more information.