General Info
Participation in the Fulton County Junior Fair exhibits and shows is voluntary. It is the expectation of the Livestock Sale Committee and Fulton County Senior Fair Directors that youth exhibit their own animals. Off-grounds events are not considered special circumstances.
Dates of Animal Possession
All steers must have been in the possession of a 4-H and/or FFA member by January 1, 2023.
All feeder calves, sheep, dairy cattle, goats, roaster rabbits, market rabbit breed does, horses, hogs, llamas, poultry (except broilers) must be in the possession of the 4-H and/or FFA member by June 1, 2023.
Please note, the above dates may differ slightly from the 2023 Ohio State Fair dates of possession. If you are exhibiting an animal at the Ohio State Fair, please refer to for their dates.
Junior Fair Sale Animal Designation
Sale animal designation for the Junior Fair Livestock (Donation) Sale is made in the Blue Ribbon Online entry, which is required for all animals exhibited at fair. This includes all 4-H/FFA members taking a steer, feeder calf, Gallon of Milk, market rabbit, turkey, “Pen of Three” broilers, market lamb, market goat, or market hog project. Designations will not be allowed after the entry form deadline. Changes are only permitted if the animal is chosen as Grand/Reserve Champion, if the animal dies at the fair, or if the animal doesn’t come to the fair.
Junior Fair Entries are due by August 1 and are required via “Blue Ribbon Online” for ALL ANIMALS to exhibit at the Fulton County Junior Fair. The web portal will be open for registration from July 1, 2023 at 12:00am– August 1, 2023 at 11:59pm (EST). LATE ENTRIES ONLY ACCEPTED UNTIL AUGUST4 BY 4:30PM AT THE EXTENSION OFFICE BY WITH A $20 LATE FEE. The online link and instructions will be available at These instructions will assist you in completing your on-line entry. Please read and follow the instructions before entering your online entry. There is information included in these instructions to assist you through the process and make sure everything is entered correctly. There is one set of instructions for “individuals” and one for “Group” (2 youth or more).
Have questions about Blue Ribbon Online entries? Email for assistance.
All animals coming into Ohio from Michigan have health requirements. For a copy of the Ohio State Regulations on Health Requirements Governing the Admission of Animals or other information on current animal health regulations, contact DVM-Chief, Division of Animal Industry, Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, 8995 East Main St., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.
Ph: 614-728-6220 or 1-800-282-1955.
For mandatory ODA rules on exhibiting animals see through code 901-19-39. Copies are also available at the OSU Extension Office.