What is 4-H Council?
The purpose of 4-H Council is:
- To ensure that 4-H, as a youth organization, is available to all youth in this County who meet the 4-H Cloverbud Program or Age-Grade Policy:
- To help analyze the needs and interests of all county youth enrolled in the county 4-H program.
- To assist with planning, evaluating, and recommending 4-H educational experiences and programs that will meet the needs and interests of these youth.
- To assist in the recruitment and development of leadership to work with the 4-H program.
- To seek local financial resources, as needed, to conduct, promote and expand the 4-H program.
- Meet the standards of usage to protect the 4-H Name and Emblem as set by National 4-H Council.
- Sponsor and support county recognition for 4-H members and leaders.
- Support the county’s participation in events and activities outside the county.
- Confer and cooperate with the OSU Extension staff.
- Publicize the objectives and philosophy of 4-H work and serve in an advocacy role when necessary.
- Encourage youth leadership in all aspects of the program.
How can I be involved?
Currently, only about 5-7 out of the 34 Fulton County 4-H clubs are represented. YOU SHOULD JOIN US! All club and project volunteers are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings, but one vote per club. Did you know that 4-H Council has the opportunity to have 4 youth members serve as part of the committee? This will be an option on upcoming Older Youth Opportunity forms–stay tuned for more information.