Viticulture and Enology Sip and Chat Sessions

Join us for a webinar series focused on grape entomology, pathology, weed management, viticulture, and enology.  Each webinar will consist of a 30 minute presentation followed by a 30 minute question and answer period.  Attendees will be able to ask questions and discuss issues related to the webinar topic with our experts. To register for the webinars contact Diane Kinney.

May 19:  Dr. Elizabeth Long, Purdue Entomology
May 26: Dr. Melanie Lewis Ivey, OSU Plant Pathology
June 2: Dr. Doug Doohan, OSU Weed Science
June 9: Drs. Maria Smith and Imed Dami, OSU Viticulture
June 16: Mr. Todd Steiner, OSU Enology

Hosted by the OSU Grape Team

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