Verticillium Wilt of Strawberry (2008)
Verticillium wilt of strawberry can be a major factor limiting production. When a plant is severely infected by the Verticillium wilt fungus, the probability of it surviving to produce a crop is greatly reduced. The Verticillium fungus can infect about 300 different host plants, including many fruits, vegetables, trees, shrubs and flowers, as well as numerous weeds and some field crops. (HYG-3012-08)
Red Stele Root Rot of Strawberry (2008)
This root rot disease has become a serious problem facing strawberry production in the northern two-thirds of the United States. The disease is most destructive in heavy clay soils that are saturated with water during cool weather when the fungus is most active. (HYG-3014-08)
Strawberry Leaf Diseases (2008)
Fungal diseases of the leaf may occur as soon as the first leaves unfold in early spring and continue until dormancy in the late fall. The primary damage from leaf diseases is a loss of vigor through reduced leaf area. (HYG-3015-08)
Botrytis Fruit Rot or Gray Mold of Strawberry, Raspberry, and Blackberry (2008)
Under favorable environmental conditions for disease development, serious losses can occur. One of the most serious and common fruit rot diseases is gray mold. The gray mold fungus can affect petals, flower stalks (pedicels), fruit caps, and fruit. (HYG-3017-08)
Black Root Rot of Strawberry (2008)
Black root rot is a serious and common problem of strawberries. The term “black root rot” is the general name for several root disorders that produce similar symptoms. The disorders are not clearly understood and are generally referred to as a root-rot complex. (HYG-3028-08)
Leather Rot of Strawberry (2008)
Leather rot of strawberry has been reported in many regions of the United States. However, excessive rainfall during May, June, and July can lead to severe losses in fruit yield and quality resulting from leather rot. (HYG-3201-08)
Anthracnose of Strawberry (2008)
Anthracnose is an important disease of strawberry that can affect foliage, runners, crowns, and fruit. Although the disease occurs sporadically and is not common in most plantings in Ohio, when it does occur, it can be devastating, resulting in 100 percent loss of fruit. (HYG-3209-08)
Phomopsis Leaf Blight and Fruit Rot of Strawberry (2008)
Phomopsis leaf blight is a common disease of strawberry in the eastern United States Although the fungus infects leaves early in the growing season, leaf blight symptoms are most apparent on older leaves near or after harvest in Ohio. (HYG-3211-08)
Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry (Bacterial Blight) (2011)
Angular leaf spot is the only bacterial disease of strawberry in the Midwest. Though not usually a major problem in the Midwest, once introduced into a planting it can become very serious. (HYG-3212-11)
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