I get several calls this time year about herbicide injury, especially glyphosate injury, to small fruit crops. Below are some images of symptoms of glyphosate injury on raspberry, blueberry and blackberry. When spraying glyphosate around fruit crops (or any non-target crop) remember to use best practices to prevent drift. Best practices include spraying when wind is below 10 mph (3-7 mph is preferable), using a shield on hand-held sprayers, and adjusting the nozzle on your sprayer to a coarser droplet size. Small fruit crops can generally withstand some damage but if injury is severe or the flowers are injured, yield will be reduced. Plant vigour the following year may also be reduced.
Viticulture and Enology Sip and Chat Sessions
Join us for a webinar series focused on grape entomology, pathology, weed management, viticulture, and enology. Each webinar will consist of a 30 minute presentation followed by a 30 minute question and answer period. Attendees will be able to ask questions and discuss issues related to the webinar topic with our experts. To register for the webinars contact Diane Kinney.
May 19: Dr. Elizabeth Long, Purdue Entomology
May 26: Dr. Melanie Lewis Ivey, OSU Plant Pathology
June 2: Dr. Doug Doohan, OSU Weed Science
June 9: Drs. Maria Smith and Imed Dami, OSU Viticulture
June 16: Mr. Todd Steiner, OSU Enology
Hosted by the OSU Grape Team
Utilizing OSU Diagnostic Services for Specialty Crops
Do you need expert advice on diseases affecting your fruit, vegetable or ornamental/landscape plants or those of your clientele? Would you like to contribute to research on emerging critical plant pathogens?
Join Dr. Melanie Lewis Ivey, Dr. Joy Pierzynski and Dr. Francesca Rotondo in an Agriculture and Natural Resources Madness Educational Tournament Webinar.
When: Thursday, April 23, 2020, 9-10 am
Where: On-line by connecting here.
COVID-19 and Fresh Produce Safety
Learn how COVID-19 may affect the safety of your produce and what to do to prevent the spread of the virus.
Getting to Know Powdery Mildew on Grape
Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference – Feb 2019
Registrations are still being accepted for the 2019 Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference. It will be held on February 5, 2019 at the Oasis Conference Center in Loveland, Ohio. The deadline to register for this conference is February 1, 2019 at 12:00 Noon. No walk-ins are permitted. Registration is limited to 75 people.
New: 2019 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide
The 2019-2020 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide is now available. It can be downloaded for free or you can purchase a hard copy for $15 from the link below. It is an invaluable resource for getting updated information on management practices of both diseases and insect pests.