Columbus City Schools hosts weekly Zoom sessions addressing the most pressing topics and answering some of the most common questions families may have called “Virtual Family Engagement Sessions.” These sessions are hosted by the Department of Communications & Engagement and feature expert District staff and many community partners sharing information and insights on important topics. Please visit CCS’s RSVP page to view and register for upcoming sessions. Archived sessions from the 2021-2022 school year are available HERE

During the Virtual Family Engagement Session on 11/9/2, OSU Extension Franklin County SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator, Danielle Seidita, introduced the SNAP-Ed program, shared great ideas for stretching our food budget at the grocery store, and explored how to create a healthy meal using MyPlate! You’ll pick up a recipe or two from Celebrate Your Plate, as SNAP-Ed offers options to eat well, spend less, and satisfy the ever-changing tastes of children.

Friendship Pocket!

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