Cattlemen’s Activities; Banquet, Scholarship and Jr Beef Weigh-in!

Get March 12th on your calendar. It’s an all beef day!

After a year’s hiatus due to concerns for the pandemic, the Fairfield County Cattlemen are pleased to announced they will host the 33rd annual Banquet on Saturday, March 12 in the Fairfield County Ag Center. Registration will begin at 6 p.m. followed by supper featuring beef brisket!

Tickets are $10 for adults, and $5 for children under the age of 12. Youth 5 and under are free. Plus, all 2020 and 2021 Fairfield County Junior beef exhibitors will be admitted free!

Make your reservations (including Junior beef exhibitors – we need your reservations too) by clicking on this link or by leaving a message with Stan Smith, anytime 24/7, at OSU Extension in Fairfield County at 740-277-4633.

One of the traditional features of the banquet will be the awarding of the 2022 Scholarships. Local high school seniors and current college students can find Continue reading Cattlemen’s Activities; Banquet, Scholarship and Jr Beef Weigh-in!

Market Beef Show Numbers Continue to Grow in 2021!

This first time beef exhibitor was one of 68 youth to weigh-in calves for the 2021 Fairfield County market beef show.

Interest and participation in the Jr. Market Beef Show in Fairfield County continues to grow! Equaling the largest number of youth to tag in a market steer or market heifer in 15 years, 68 youth brought their market beef show prospects to weigh-in at Fairfield Cattle Company on Saturday, March 13th. This represents a nearly 60% increase over the 43 youth that weighed-in animals just three years ago.

In summary, sixty eight (68) 4-H and FFA members weighed in a total of 98 beef feeder calves as their projects in preparation for the 2021 Fairfield County Fair’s finished market beef junior show. Of the 98 head tagged in on Saturday, 5 were market heifers and 49 were bred, born and raised (BBR) here in Fairfield County. The average weight of all calves was 744 pounds. These calves will be Continue reading Market Beef Show Numbers Continue to Grow in 2021!

The Fair, Upcoming Events, Deadlines & Congratulations!

Congratulations FCCA on being named the 2020 Outstanding Ohio County Cattlemen’s Organization

FCCA members and area cattlemen and women . . . hopefully you’ve successfully concluded a safe and productive harvest, the cows are preg checked (or getting bred if you’re a fall calver), and you have enough high quality feed for winter!

We wanted to get an update out to you with regard to the Fair, and other activities, events and programs on the horizon.

Fairfield County Jr. Beef Show & Fair Livestock Sale: It’s a pleasure to report that beef numbers were up again this year. Fifty four youth exhibited a total of 67 market steers and heifers, feeder calf numbers were up slightly, and breeding beef numbers were stable. This is the most since 2007, and many are anticipating even higher numbers next year. And, the Jr Fair Livestock Sale was a success. Due in part to the support of the FCCA, no market beef animal sold for less than $1000 premium in the sale. FCCA purchased two calves, plus, added $25 on to each market beef exhibitor’s sale price at a total cost of $3450 to FCCA.

“Beef Families Care” Grant sends beef to local food pantries: At their pre-Fair FCCA Board meeting in September, the Directors voted to participate in the Beef Families Care cost-share program that is providing ground beef to local food pantries. FCCA provided $300 that was combined with donations of $300 from the local Blue Ribbon Showmen 4-H Club, $300 from OSU’s Ohio Collegiate Cattle Club, and $393 that was donated in the Continue reading The Fair, Upcoming Events, Deadlines & Congratulations!

Jr. Market Beef Numbers Grow Again!

Most market beef exhibitors since 2007!

On March 14, 2020, fifty nine (59) 4-H and FFA members weighed in a total of 84 beef feeder calves in preparation for the 2020 Fairfield County Fair’s finished market beef junior show. Of the 84 head tagged in on Saturday, 5 were heifers and 33 were bred, born and raised here in Fairfield County.

The average weight of the 84 calves weighed in was 763 pounds. Fifty nine exhibitors placing calves on feed in March for this project is the largest number in Fairfield County since Continue reading Jr. Market Beef Numbers Grow Again!

Join us for the 32nd Annual Cattlemen’s Banquet, February 29

Attend, celebrate beef, and you’ll take home one of these!

Make your reservation today! The 32nd annual Fairfield County Cattleman’s Association banquet and annual meeting will be held Saturday, February 29 in the Fairfield County Ag Center (831 College Avenue, Lancaster) with registration beginning at 6 p.m. Supper will feature beef brisket!

Tickets are $10 for adults, and $5 for children under the age of 12. Youth 5 and under are free. Plus, all 2019 Fairfield County Junior beef exhibitors will be admitted free!

The evening’s festivities will include the honoring last year’s Jr. beef exhibitors, the awarding of the cattlemen’s college scholarships (trivia: did you know since 1999 when the college scholarship program was begun, the FCCA has awarded a total of $29,000 in scholarships to local youth?), and a brief industry update. And as in the recent past, the annual auction will also highlight the evening!

For more information about the banquet please contact Ray Breagel, FCCA President at (740) 503-3120 or make your reservations (including Junior beef exhibitors – we need your reservations too) by clicking on this link or by leaving a message with Stan Smith, anytime 24/7, at OSU Extension in Fairfield County at 740-277-4633.

Upcoming Beef Cattle Related Programs and Events: Hold these dates!

The annual Banquet is always a highlight!

Between now and spring there are a number of beef cattle related events for cattlemen of all ages to pick and choose from. Get these dates on your calendar:

January 30, 2020, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Claylick Run Farm Sale Facility, near Newark, Licking County
Ohio Beef Cow/Calf Workshop session #1 focusing on alternative feeds and forages, and managing beef brood cow nutrition. Discussion led by Dr. Francis Fluharty.

January 30, 2020, 6 p.m., OSU Newark Campus in Licking County
Ohio Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management School session #1; repeat of the January 29th session in northern Ohio focusing on utilizing small grains in the diets of all ages and production groups of beef cattle, utilizing alternative forages, by-product feeds and Continue reading Upcoming Beef Cattle Related Programs and Events: Hold these dates!

Beef, and the Fair!

With the Fair less than two weeks away, make your plans now to attend, and participate, and enjoy!

First, as always, the Fairfield County Cattleman’s Association “Steak” Trailer will be in it’s usual location – northwest of the track and across from the beef barn – serving the best beef sandwiches on the grounds. This year’s menu again features two great old-time favorites . . . the Cattleman’s ribeye steak sandwich, and the 6 oz. cheeseburger! Perhaps best of all, the menu features locally grown beef, harvested and processed right here at Bay Packing, and served by the folks who are involved in raising it. If you and your family would enjoy serving a shift in the trailer, there are only a few shifts remaining available. Simply check in with local Cattlemen’s Association President Ray Breagel (740-503-3120) and he’ll get you signed up. The majority of the proceeds from the Steak Trailer go to support local Continue reading Beef, and the Fair!

Beef Barn Sponsor Provides Mulch Bedding!

Thanks to Aaron Bickle for sponsoring the mulch bedding for the beef barn!

When it was announced last spring that beef exhibitors at this year’s Fairfield County Fair would need to bring their own bedding, the Directors of Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association went to work in an effort to secure a sponsor for the barn, including the mulch bedding. Today, the Cattlemen are pleased to announce that Aaron Bickle of Bickle Insurance Services has generously agreed to be the sponsor of the Beef Barn for the 2019 Fairfield County Fair, and provide free mulch bedding for each exhibitor!

The Cattlemen have made arrangements for the mulch to be delivered to the Fairgrounds and the Fair Board has agreed to have the mulch bedding placed into the beef barn by mid week, prior to the Fair. However, in order to provide the mulch, the Cattlemen and the Beef Show Superintendents need to know how many head each exhibitor or club plans to house at the Fair.

In order that stalling assignments can be made, and to receive the free mulch and it be placed in the barn prior to the fair, each exhibitor’s advisor was asked to  Continue reading Beef Barn Sponsor Provides Mulch Bedding!

The Steak Trailer; Featuring local beef served by the Cattlemen who raise it!

The Warthman’s will be at your service during the first shift on Sunday, the 6th!

Years ago, innovative merchandisers such as Colonel Sanders, Bob Evans, and Orvil Reddenbacher discovered the benefit of associating the face of the producer to the product that was being marketed. The same benefits are evident at “commodity” food stands located at places like State and County Fairs . . . none the least of which is the Fairfield County Fair. It can only add to consumer confidence in a product when they know producers and their families are willing to “show their face” at the point of Continue reading The Steak Trailer; Featuring local beef served by the Cattlemen who raise it!

Cattleman’s Summer Picnic!

Make plans now to join us for a late summer cattleman’s picnic on Saturday, August 17. This is a joint effort of Ohio’s Shorthorn breeders and the Fairfield County Cattleman’s Association. The whole family is invited! Hosted by the Logsdon family at Foster Farms (6355 Julian Road, Amanda), this will be an opportunity to relax and visit with not only local cattlemen, but also other cattlemen from across Ohio.

Fellowship will begin at noon with lunch served at 1 p.m. Meat, drink and paper products will be provided . . . all you need to bring is a covered dish or desert to share, and your lawn chair.

As you know all too well, hay quality became a huge concern for cattlemen last winter. Considering the weather we experienced this spring, early indications are that overall hay quality is even worse this year. Shortly after Continue reading Cattleman’s Summer Picnic!