Your Checkoff Dollars Promote Beef!

Ohio’s checkoff dollars are spent under the direction of 15 Ohio cattlemen collectively known as the Ohio Beef Council

As you know, anytime we market a beef animal $2.00 per head is deducted from our check and submitted to what’s called the “Checkoff.” It’s collected on all cattle – beef or dairy, feeders, fed cattle, breeding stock and culls – that are marketed, and even our youth pay the Checkoff on the animals they market at the Fair!

Often times the question is asked, “What’s the checkoff, and what’s it used for?” Let’s take a minute to explore that question, and then look at a small example of what those checkoff dollars are spent on, including a project that Fairfield County’s cattlemen recently participated in.

By law, all producers selling cattle or calves, for any reason and regardless of age or sex, must pay $1-per-head to support beef/veal promotion, research and information through the Beef Promotion and Research Act created by the 1985 Farm Bill. As of March 2014, in the state of Ohio all producers selling cattle or calves must pay an additional $1-per-head through the Ohio Beef Marketing Program Referendum. Thus, in Ohio, $2.00 is deducted from the sale price of every beef animal when it is sold. This happens regardless of where the animal is sold . . . youth pay it for each of the project animals they sell, auction barns collect it from Continue reading Your Checkoff Dollars Promote Beef!

Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association earns Outstanding County Award

In recognition of 30+ years of support for the beef cattle industry!

Congratulations to the Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association on recently receiving the Outstanding County Award! In their press release, the OCA said it like this . . .

(MARYSVILLE, Ohio) – The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) awarded the Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association the 2021 Outstanding County Award. This award was sponsored by Ohio Corn & Wheat.

The Outstanding County award is OCA’s opportunity to recognize the outstanding achievement, industry education and consumer promotion efforts of counties from across the state. Activities, participation in OCA events, communication efforts, support of industry youth and a cohesive Continue reading Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association earns Outstanding County Award