Pickup Your ‘Chili with Beef’ Cookbook, HOT Off the Press!

Yes, that’s right, the recipes for all 33 entries in last year’s Championship of the County, Chili Cookoff with Beef are now published in the first ever Fairfield County Cattlemen’s cookbook! Simply stop by Bay Food Market on the corner of South Maple and Walnut Streets in Lancaster and ask for your FREE copy. They’re Continue reading Pickup Your ‘Chili with Beef’ Cookbook, HOT Off the Press!

Chili Cook Off with Beef; Championship of the County!

That’s right . . . the Chili Cook Off with Beef; Championship of the County returns to the Fairfield County Fair in October. Last year’s competition was intense when 33 pots of chili made with beef as the only meat arrived on Thursday at the Fair for the judging. This year’s event will again be held in the Rickett’s Hall beginning at 2:00 p.m. on October 13, 2016 and is open to all Fairfield County residents.chili

To enter Continue reading Chili Cook Off with Beef; Championship of the County!

Visit our Local Cattlemen at the Ohio State Fair in the OCA beef stand

IMG_20140730_105934_847If you’re at the Ohio State Fair on Friday (August 5) be sure and stop by the Taste of Ohio food pavilion and say hello to the Fairfield County cattlemen. Again this year they will be working a shift in the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association Beef Stand beginning at 10:30 a.m. and working until 3 p.m. In fact, if you’d enjoy sharing the day with them while promoting the product that you raise, they still have a couple of slots available for you. Simply contact Marcy Love (614-989-3468) and tell her you’d enjoy helping. Nobody can promote your product like those who raise it can!