Beef, and the Fair!

With the Fair less than two weeks away, make your plans now to attend, and participate, and enjoy!

First, as always, the Fairfield County Cattleman’s Association “Steak” Trailer will be in it’s usual location – northwest of the track and across from the beef barn – serving the best beef sandwiches on the grounds. This year’s menu again features two great old-time favorites . . . the Cattleman’s ribeye steak sandwich, and the 6 oz. cheeseburger! Perhaps best of all, the menu features locally grown beef, harvested and processed right here at Bay Packing, and served by the folks who are involved in raising it. If you and your family would enjoy serving a shift in the trailer, there are only a few shifts remaining available. Simply check in with local Cattlemen’s Association President Ray Breagel (740-503-3120) and he’ll get you signed up. The majority of the proceeds from the Steak Trailer go to support local Continue reading Beef, and the Fair!

Beef Barn Sponsor Provides Mulch Bedding!

Thanks to Aaron Bickle for sponsoring the mulch bedding for the beef barn!

When it was announced last spring that beef exhibitors at this year’s Fairfield County Fair would need to bring their own bedding, the Directors of Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association went to work in an effort to secure a sponsor for the barn, including the mulch bedding. Today, the Cattlemen are pleased to announce that Aaron Bickle of Bickle Insurance Services has generously agreed to be the sponsor of the Beef Barn for the 2019 Fairfield County Fair, and provide free mulch bedding for each exhibitor!

The Cattlemen have made arrangements for the mulch to be delivered to the Fairgrounds and the Fair Board has agreed to have the mulch bedding placed into the beef barn by mid week, prior to the Fair. However, in order to provide the mulch, the Cattlemen and the Beef Show Superintendents need to know how many head each exhibitor or club plans to house at the Fair.

In order that stalling assignments can be made, and to receive the free mulch and it be placed in the barn prior to the fair, each exhibitor’s advisor was asked to  Continue reading Beef Barn Sponsor Provides Mulch Bedding!