Motor Quantity

Figure 1: AEV Design

Above is a Figure of the AEV design used for the motor quantity lab, with both motors attached at all times but one motor being shut off during half of the lab.

We believe that a two motor configuration is optimal for our current AEV design based on the results. While the power vs distance is shown to be lower for the two tests using only one motor as shown below in figure 2, the total distance travelled by the AEV with one motor is more than halved from an average distance of 0.49 meters to 0.20 meters.

The figures below use the first two sets of data using two motors (blue and yellow) and the first two using one motor (orange and purple).

Figure 2: Power vs Time

Figure 3: Power vs. Distance

Other takeaways other than the decision on two motors is that, going further within the AEV labs we should keep in mind that a different total AEV configuration could prove to be more efficient, even with only one motor.