Performance Test 2

Performance Test 2 was done the week after Performance Test 1 was completed. In this test, the goal was to build off of Performance Test 1 and travel on the other side of the track, pick up the additional cargo cart successfully on the other side of the track and pause for 5 seconds and then move backward toward the stop sign again while still being attached to the cargo cart. During this test, two different codes were focused on and tested while using the same design to determine which code successfully completed this test while usingĀ  the least amount of energy in a reasonable amount of time. The main difference between the codes was to see which braking should be used to connect to the caboose gently without knocking it off the track. Group Q decided on used a coasting to a stop then reversing the motors to come to a complete stop an gently hit the caboose to successfully pick it up.