Team Minutes

Team Meeting 17

Date: 11 April 18

Time: 1350

Location: Lab

Attendance: Joe, Natalie, Eric



  • Final Performance Test



  • The code was improved more to minimize error in the test
  • More work needs to be done on the first and last quarter of the process

Team Meeting 16

Date: 09 April 18

Time: 1350

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Final Performance Test



  • The code was written to be able to complete the whole course as needed
  • The whole group collaborated on the improvement of the code

Team Meeting 15

Date: 04 April 18

Time: 1350

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Progress Report 3
  • Performance Test 3



  • The code was revised so that the AEV could effectively complete Performance Test 3
  • Some of Progress Report 3 was completed

Team Meeting 14

Date: 03 April 18

Time: 1730

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Progress Report 3



  • Very little was completed due to everyone going home because of severe weather conditions

Team Meeting 13

Date: 02 April 18

Time: 1350

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Performance Test 3
  • Progress Report 3



  • Terra and Natalie focused on writing code
  • Eric worked on AEV construction and CDR
  • Joe started writing some of Progress Report 3
  • All members helped with placing AEV on track and testing

Team Meeting 12

Date: 30 March 18

Time: 1420

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Committee Meeting 2
  • Changing the AEV code



  • Team needs to reevaluate the process of working together
  • Coasting no longer seems to be a viable option for the code
  • Terra is now helping Natalie with code
  • Eric and Joe are working on the website and other documentation
  • New code should focus on braking rather than coasting
  • Financial situation is not a large issue
  • New things added to website discussed in PR
  • Future AEV changes discussed in HR

Team Meeting 11

Date: 28 March 18

Time: 1400

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Performance Test 2
  • Rewriting Code



  • AEV was not consistent
  • Met with Professor Schrock, need to format code to allow for error
  • Natalie will edit code to eliminate outside variables
  • First run not enough power
    • Reuploaded code to try again
  • Second run same results
  • Team will prepare for Performance Test 3 and Committee Meeting 2

Team Meeting 10

Date: 26 March 18

Time: 1400

Location: Lab

Attendance: Natalie, Eric, Joe



  • Performance Test 2



  • Run 1: came into stop gate too fast
  • Run 2: code changes did not make it to stop gate
    • Also came into caboose too fast                     
  • Run 3: AEV ran properly in to the gate
  • Run 4: moving on from entering to trying to do a full run and connect to the caboose
    • AEV did not make it into the gate
  • Run 5: AEV had to much juice going into gate link with caboose good
  • Run 6: AEV performed well going in to gate and connecting with caboose
    • Changing code to improve performance anyway
  • Run 7: AEV came into gate too hot, changing code
  • Run 8: Successful run
  • Run 9: Successful run
    • Connected to caboose, but not powerful enough to move AEV forward


Team Meeting 9

Date: 23 March 18

Time: 1400

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Roles for CDR
  • AEV designs
  • Performance Test



  • Terra and Eric redessigned AEV to add a Battery Cover
  • Strategies for Performance Test 2 were discussed
  • Discussed details for picking up caboose
  • Natalie created Team Meeting Minutes Document and shared with team
  • Natalie created Code Revision and Observation shared document
  • Terra and Joe will finish formatting CDR
  • Eric observed new AEV design is more back-heavy and less stable


Team Meeting 8

Date: 23 FEB 2018

Time: 1500

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Complete Track Comparison
  • R&D goals moving forward
  • Website update
  • R&D Presentation



  • Track Comparison
  • Roles for R&D Presentation
  • Complete Website Update



  • Joe will direct R&D for track comparison
  • Terra will record collectible data on Excel
  • Natalie will write code for AEV for track comparison and update code throughout lab
  • Eric will collect data from Arduino after each run and record using MATLAB


Team Meeting 7

Date: 16 FEB 2018

Time: 1500

Location: Lab

Attendance: All



  • Committee Meetings
  • R&D goals moving forward
  • Future labs
  • Website update



  • Team Meetings updated on website to flow more chronologically
  •  Grant proposal presented
  • Updating progress report questions for R&D



  • Joe and Terra will be representing R&D for committee meetings
    • Joe and Terra will be discussing R&D for committee meetings
  • Eric will be representing Website Deliverables and Progress Report Questions for committee meetings
  • Natalie will be representing Human Resources for committee meetings
    • Natalie will update team meetings
    • Natalie will create spreadsheet to order weekly tasks
  • Eric and Joe will update website with Progress Report Questions from R&D Week 1
    • Progress Report Questions for Energy Analysis
  • All will discuss work for upcoming labs
  • All will discuss roles for next R&D


Team Meeting 6

Date: 15 FEB 2018

Time: 1600

Location: Buckeye Bar

Attendance: All



  • Grant proposal
  • Website update



  • Code fixed on website
  • Preliminary R&D finished
  • Grant proposal Presentation



  • Don’t forget to wear business casual
  • Joe will talk about form
    • clamp wraps around wing
    • further from body: lets us use larger wings
    • holes over each other
  • Natalie will talk about safety
    • old piece hangs off edge of wing
    • more secure on wing
  • Eric will talk about stability
    • turns body 90 degrees
    • center of mass more under the track
  • Terra will talk about speed
    • Due to form larger propellers and more stable on the track makes faster
    • Perform better while being safer


Team Meeting 5

Date: 9 FEB 2018

Time: 1531

Location: Hitchcock 224, Lab


  • Eric Schwegler
  • Joe Cooper
  • Terra Forsythe
  • Natalie Kroger


Meeting Details:

  • Begin Advanced R & D Lab 1
  • Complete Energy Analysis



  • Test design on track
  • Advanced R&D Lab 1



  • Terra will figure out how to calculate when the motors need to turn off
  • Natalie will update code and team meetings for Advanced R&D
  • Eric will document the data recorded for energy analysis
  • Joe and Terra discussed the design of the AEV
  • Terra will run the AEV on the tra15ck


Team Meeting 4

Date: 8 FEB 2018

Time: 1640

Location: Thompson Library


  • Eric Schwegler
  • Terra Forsythe
  • Natalie Kroger


Meeting Details:

  • Discuss the progress report



  • Assign tasks for the progress report



  • Eric will do the the forward looking summary
  • Natalie upload the appendix items then help work on the backward looking summary
  • Joe and Terra will work on the backward looking summary and build the AEV


  • Advanced R&D tasks
    • Grant proposal  – to be worked on by all members  during outside meeting
      • Joe will work on the Solid works Aspects
      • Eric and Terra will prepare for the oral presentation
      • Natalie will work on Presentation slides
    • Committee Meeting 1
      • To be prepared for right after classes when more information is available, additional meetings may be necessary
    • Advanced R&D
      • to be completed during lab
        • Terra and Joe will work on hardware
        • Eric will work on documentation to the web sight
        • Natalie will focus on software
        • All will work on deliverables
    • Web sight update 3
      • Deliverables will be shared among the group to be uploaded by Eric
        • Further review by rest of team will be done prior to the official graded update


Team Meeting 3

Date: 2 FEB 2018

Time: 1214

Location: Thompson Library


  • Eric Schwegler
  • Joe Cooper
  • Natalie Kroger


Meeting Details

The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss and assign tasks to be completed before next lab, and determine a final sketch/plan for the AEV.



  • Preliminary Labs finshed
  • Discussed organizational strategies
  • Assigned tasks to team members to be completed before next lab
  • Worked on deliverables
  • Decided on final design for AEV



  • Natalie will complete the team’s final AEV concept sketch
  • Joe will design specialized parts for AEV to 3D print on solidworks before next lab
  • Eric will finish updating preliminary lab data and publish to website
  • Terra and Joe will complete report questions



Team Meeting 2

Date: 25 JAN 18

Time: 1800

Location: Thomson Library


  • Eric Schwegler
  • Joe Cooper
  • Natalie Kroger
  • Terra Forsythe


Meeting Details

The purpose of today’s meeting is to fully build the sample AEV, go over the initial job assignments, and to work on the team web page along with the next lab’s information.



  • AEV built
  • How can we improve the AEV design
    • Add a battery pack to improve aerodynamics
  • Time optimization
  • notebook writing for the class


Tasks/ Reflections

  • Natalie will work more on the programming for lab 2 and 4
  • and Eric will work more on documentation and on the website, and update team minutes
  • Work on the individual sketch for next lab
  • look into how to add a battery cover and further redesign of the AEV


Team Meeting 1

Date: 18 JAN 18

Time: 1800

Location: Thomson library


  • Eric Schwegler
  • Joe Cooper
  • Natalie Kroger
  • Terra Forsythe



The purpose of today’s meeting is to get to know more about each other and to examine class expectations.


Topics Discussed/Decisions

  • Initial things to think about for the design project
    • Lubricant
    • 3d printed parts
  • Team name
    • The Cooler Group J
  • Name for the kit
    • The Baby Joey
  • Job Assignments
    • Natalie volunteered to do most of the programming and do the website because she has the most experience
    • Eric said he can help with programming because that’s something that he wanted to focus more on this semester
    • Joe and Terra can work design and building


Final Notes/Reflections

  • Joe can do the future ideas because he will be working with building the thing
  • Finalize the website
  • Natalie and Eric will work on website
  • Look ahead at the class before lab
  • Terra will organize next meeting and remind people about upcoming things that need to get done
