Team Meetings

Team Meetings Notes:

Meeting one

Date: January 12, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 208

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust(MF), Isaiah Hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Lab 01, MCR



Today’s focus in the meeting was to break the ice between the members and setting a direction on where we want our AEV to go. Part of the meeting was used by the instructor presenting the project.


Topics discussed

-In class we had time to brainstorm on what we should research for our AEV and that was mainly facilitated by the GTA (Meg West).

-As a group we are using buckeye box we decided that we should focus on energy efficiency and focusing on the propellers. We decided this as a group because we want our AEV to be the most efficient that would help with the environment (nature) and be most logical in a real-world environment (scenario).

-Nathan brought up the idea of communication and as a group we decided to use group me.

-Sam brought up what should be accomplish by next week, in order to stay on track for the project and created a to do list. (see below).



To do/Action Item/Upcoming task

-Set up group me (NT)

-Work on Team minute meetings (MF)

-Work on the Website (NT)

-Talking with other section that is in our company (SC)

-Think about where the team should focus on next (big picture ideas) (IH)


Meeting two

Date: January 19, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 208

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust(MF), Isaiah Hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Lab 02, Exercise 01 and 02



Today’s Focus was to complete the preliminary R&D exercise 01 and 02, which included coding the Arduino code and the reflectance sensor test. In class the sample AEV was also built, which would be used in future test as well.


Topics discussed

-As a group in class we decided what roles we would do and how to divide up the work that was needed to be accomplish today.

-We decided that two people should be coding, while the other group members go and build the AEV and connect the connect all the cables to the Arduino, battery and motor.

-Tested the motor in the thing that held the motors on with Arduino code

-Didn’t start/finish the Reflectance sensor test


To do/Action Item/Upcoming task

-update the website with deliverables (NT)

-Sketch AEV ideas onto paper (Group)

-Finish the Meeting notes(NT)


Meeting three

Date: January 26, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 208

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust(MF), Isaiah Hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Lab 03, Exercise 02 and 04



Finish what we didn’t finish last week and work on exercise number 04.


Topics discussed

-In class (NT) and (IH) put on the reflectance sensor, the battery and, the Arduino board in to the sample AEV design.

-The group didn’t do exercise 03 and that would be accomplished next week.

-(MF) loaded the reflectance sensor code into AEV and the reflectance sensor was run.

-Reflectance sensor was deemed working and the group moved on

-While the group tested the AEV, (SC) was coding the code for exercise 04, while (NT) installed the mat lab analysis tool.

-The AEV code for exercise 04 were inserted into AEV and a trial run was shown to the GTA.

-AEV was approved and (SC) put the AEV into the rails and was tested.

-(SC) then plug AEV into computer and loaded the data into MATLAB


To do/Action Item/Upcoming task

-Finish the meeting notes(NT)

-Update the website (NT)

-Finish the individual designs (Group)


Meeting four

Date: February 04, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 208

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust(MF), Isaiah Hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Lab 04, Exercise 03,04, and 05



Today focus will be on finishing exercise 04 and work on the concept screening for all the individual AEV design and the combined one.


Topics Discussed

-In class, the group realize that we were missing a graph from the data analysis tool from last week, so they decided to redo exercise 04 again

-In order to do exercise 04 again, (MF) had to run the reflectance sensor again

-While (MF) worked on the reflectance sensor test, the rest of the group worked on exercise 03 and made a combined drawing of AEV

-After completing the reflectance sensor test, (SC) tested the AEV on the classroom track and retrieve the missing graph that the group needed.

-The group then moved on to exercise 05 and screened the five drawings and the sample AEV with group feedback


To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Update the Website with exercise 03,04, and 05 (NT)

-Set up a time to meet up and work on the progress report through group me


Meeting five

Date: February 12, 2018

Time: 4pm

Location: Ohio Union (Sigma Phi Epsilon Lounge)

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust(MF), Isaiah Hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)


Determine what each person has to do for the progress report and Website update.


Topic Discussed:

How to split up the progress report into individual sections. (MF)

Using google docs to work on the Progress report. (SC)

When are we meeting up again to work on the Progress report. (NT)

Finish the Concept Scoring for the AEVs (NT and MF)


To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Work on individual parts of the progress report

-Meet up with other groups to discuss Advance R&D

-Meet up again to finish the Progress report

Meeting Six

Date: February 09, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 208

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust(MF), Isaiah Hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Lab 05 Advance R&D


Group is working on advance R&D part 1 and is focusing on the Battery testing.

Topics Discussed:

-In class reflectance sensor were run (SC)

-Code is written for the battery testing (MF)

-stationary trial of the code was run at the desk (IH)

-data was collected by running trials on the track (SC)

-Battery voltage was measured (SC)

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Update the website and work on the deliverables (NT)

-Work on setting up a time for progress report and committee meeting

-prepare for advance R&D for the week after next


Meeting Seven

Date: February 15, 2018

Time: 4:00 pm

Location: Basement Park Stradley

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust(MF), Isaiah Hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Grant Proposal and Committee Meeting


Today’s focus was to decide what our grant proposal would look like and deciding roles for the Committee Meeting on Friday.

Topics Discussed

-Once the whole group arrived, the group decided if a PowerPoint or a video should be done.

-Group decided what we should propose and get funding for.

-Group ended up deciding a PowerPoint would be the most appropriate and that Sam and Max would present on Friday

-(IH) and (SC) drew up the sketch on solid work of the battery cover that would be presented.

-(NT) and (MF) started to work on the PowerPoint presentation

-Group decided which roles that they wanted for the committee meeting on Friday

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Finish the PowerPoint slide

-Prepare for the presentation

-Finish solid work part of the battery cover


Meeting Eight

Date: February 15, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust(MF), Isaiah Hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Committee Meeting, Week 07, and Oral Presentation


Today’s focus was presenting the grant proposal and meeting up for the committee meeting.

Topics Discussed

-Max and Sam presented the grant proposal

-Group was spread out to meet with their committee

-(MF) met with Head of HR

-(SC) met with Head of R&D

-(NT) and (SC) met with marketing

-While other groups were meeting with the committee head, the group discussed with the other group in the company what they were doing next week

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Begin to prep for the Oral presentation for week nine

-Analysis the data was gather from battery testing (SC)

-Start Google slides for the Oral presentation (NT)

-Look over procedures for the next aR&D (group)


Meeting Nine

Date: February 23, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood, Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Coasting vs Power Braking and Oral Presentation


Today’s focus was to work on advance R&D 02, which is Coasting and Power Breaking

Topics Discussed

-Design of AEV was modified at the beginning (IH)

-Reflective Sensor test was run (SC)

-Code was written for Power Breaking (MF)

-Code was written for Coasting (SC)

-test run was done on the table then on the track (Coasting)

-(MF) see when AEV cuts power and (NT) see when the AEV completely stops

-Process was repeated for power breaking

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-work on individual slides for Oral presentation (group)

-Analyze the data that was gather today (SC)

-Schedule date to rehearse for Oral meeting

-submit slides to carmen

-Update the website with graphs and deliverables (NT and SC)

-Start planning for the progress report 2


Meeting ten

Date: March 01, 2018

Time: 8:00 pm

Location: Basement of Park-Stradley

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood, Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Coasting vs Power Braking and Oral Presentation

Objectives: Rehearse for the Oral presentation and modify AEV design.

Topics Discussed:

-Each member presented their parts and gave feedback on how to improve their part.

-AEV was modified so the propellers wouldn’t touch or be so near each other (IH)

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Present the Oral presentation

-prepare for the progress report


Meeting eleven

Date: March 02, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood, Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Oral Presentation, Progress report

Objectives: Present the groups Oral presentation, and assign roles for progress report

Topics Discussed:

-group discussed when to present

-keeping the same parts for the progress report

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Start google doc for progress report (MF)

-Finish progress report by next friday

-decide if the group wants to meet up to polish progress report

Meeting 12

Date: March 09, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Performance Test 01

Objectives: Determine what needs to be accomplished for Performance Test one and come up with another design for the AEV.

Topics Discussed:

How far the AEV needs to go, to reach the middle (SC)

-How much power the AEV would need (SC)

-Power braking or coasting to the gate (MF)

-Why the AEV was not using the code that was inputted (SC)

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Finish Performance test one after spring break

-come up ideas on what the second design should be used to compare with this AEV.


Meeting 13

Date: March 19, 2018

Time: 1:50

Location: Hitchcock 308

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Performance Test 01 9b

Objectives: Finish Performance Test 01 on AEV 01

Topics Discussed:

AEV keeps coming up short or too far from the sensor and how to fix it that it would directly land in the middle (SC)

-Once AEV was consistently hitting in between the sensor, write code to stay there for seven seconds and proceed from the gate. (MF)

-Realize that the variation in track between 224 and 308 (IH)

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Finish Performance test one on Wednesday

-come up ideas on what the second design should be used to compare with this AEV.

-start google doc for CDR draft and assign roles


Meeting 14

Date: March 21, 2018

Time: 1:50

Location: Hitchcock 308

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Performance Test 01 9c

Objectives: Finish Performance Test 01 on AEV 01 and AEV 02

Topics Discussed:

work on a way for AEV to consistently to stop between sensor. Keep coming up short or too far.

-Group with five minutes left decided to test the AEV. First run missed the sensor.

-Group decided to swap battery and rerun the test. This time AEV complete all the Performance 01 task.

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Change design AEV 01 to a different design to gather data to compare for report and have complete a test run on Friday

-Prepare ahead and read on what needs to be accomplished for performance test 02.

-Finish CDR draft


Meeting 15

Date: March 23, 2018

Time: 2:20

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members Present: Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood (IH), Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Performance test 01 and Performance Test 02 10a

Objectives: Finish Performance Test 01 on AEV 02, and begin on Performance Test 02

Topics Discussed:

-group decided the AEV 01 design was fine and that they wanted to move the propellers closer (IH)

-modified code for AEV 02 and gather the data for it (SC)

-begin to write code for performance test 02 (SC)

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-refine code for AEV 02 to complete performance test 02

-prepare for committee meeting 02


Meeting 16

Date: March 26, 2018

Time: 1:50

Location: Hitchcock 308

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood, Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Performance Test 02 10b

Objectives: Finish Performance Test 02 and have a graded run

Topics Discussed:

first half of the AEV run was stable, needed to figure out how the AEV stop and cause minimal impact to attach with the caboose.

-(NT) and (IH) suggested to use less power and coast all the way down the incline

-Group kept modifying power usage and eventually got  to the point where the front wheel didn’t go past the yellow line.

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-Finish Performance test 02 on Wednesday

-prep for committee meeting 02


Meeting 17

Date: March 28, 2018

Time: 1:50

Location: Hitchcock 308

Members Present: Nathan Tong (NT), Max Faust (MF), Isaiah hood, Sam Chirravuri (SC)

Topics Discussed: Performance Test 01 9b

Objectives: Finish Performance Test 01 on AEV 01

Topics Discussed:

When group came back on Wednesday AEV was running different then where it was left off on Monday.

-Thus, group had to change the code a little bit.

-Group couldn’t fix the problems and had to do both of the performance test with five minutes left. Ultimately the AEV crashed the caboose too hard.

To do/Action item/Upcoming task

-prep for committee meeting 02 on Friday.