Lab 7 – Oral Presentations


The purpose of the PDR oral presentation in lab 7 was for the team to present its progress in the construction of the AEV and its Preliminary Design Review status. During the presentation, the team reviewed takeaways from Labs 00-06 as well as how those takeaways translated into designing and prototyping the team’s current AEV. The presentation also served as an opportunity to outline next steps and articulate a plan for how to successfully complete the tasks for the upcoming performance tests.


  • Developed and enhanced the design of the AEV based on the presenta on given last week
  • Discovered new and improved ideas to integrate into our project based on the presenta ons of our peers
  • The team as a whole has developed a more concise goal oriented plan for the upcoming weeks, and will work towards comple ng each task according to our calendar created.


Meeting Notes

Date: March 5th, 2016

Time: 11:00 am (face to face)

Members present: Kayley, Allison, Stefanie, and Natalie

Topics Discussed: Lab 08 Progress Report


To delegate tasks for the progress report and discuss our goals moving forward.

Completed during meeting:

  • Delegated tasks:
    • Natalie : Question 3, Meeting notes, appendix (code)
    • Kayley : backwards results & analysis( Question 1 and 2)
    • Stefanie : situations for backwards and forwards
    • Allison : weekly schedule, forwards weekly goals, backwards takeaways

Reflection: After completing all the preliminary labs, we are starting to move forward with the prototype testing. Moving forward it is going to become increasingly important to stay focused and on track so that our AEV fulfills all the MCR requirements at the end of the semester.


Oral Presentation Doc