RUOK? Buckeyes-Invitation to Participate

Dear Educational Studies Graduate Student,


We are writing to let you know that RUOK? Buckeyes is available to you again this year.  This is an initiative to enhance student wellness within the Graduate School and the College of ­­­­­­­­­­­­Education and Human Ecology.  Our goal is to help graduate students identify – and do something about – stress, anxiety, depression and other problems that can interfere with academic, social and personal functioning.


As you likely know from personal experience, pursing a graduate degree is filled with situations that produce stress. The stressors range from first year adjustment, self-doubt and accompanying anxiety, to sleep difficulties, relationship concerns, and depression. Throughout our professional careers, we are tested again and again, and at times the demands and resulting stress may seem difficult to manage.


RUOK? Buckeyes is a stress and depression questionnaire that provides graduate students with personalized feedback on their emotional well-being.  It is anonymous, confidential and voluntary.  Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will be linked to a professional counselor, who can assist you to secure any assistance, designed to help you increase academic, social and personal success.


Clicking the link at the bottom of this message will take you to a secure website where you have the option of completing the 10-minute online questionnaire, which you will submit using a self-assigned User ID.  This will be the only way your responses are identified, and thus, the process is entirely anonymous and confidential.


After you receive the counselor’s response, you will then have an opportunity to exchange online messages with the counselor through the anonymous dialogue feature, using only your User ID.  For a more detailed conversation, the counselor is available to arrange a phone conversation or an in-person meeting. There is no requirement to identify yourself at any time.


Completing the online questionnaire and making use of this service is completely voluntary, confidential, and anonymous. 


We encourage you to take advantage of this personalized service to find out if stress or depression may be affecting you.  The good news is that interventions for these concerns are available and highly effective.  Pro-actively addressing these concerns can help you be healthier, happier and more successful in your academic, social and personal pursuits.


If you have any questions about this service, please contact Deb Zabloudil (, our program contact, or


We hope all of you will take a few minutes now to go to the secure website, log in, and complete the RUOK? Buckeyes questionnaire. (The link is below the signatures)






Dr. Eric Anderman

Department Chair

Department of Educational Studies




Dr. Jan Nespor

Graduate Studies Committee Chair

Department of Educational Studies




Deb Zabloudil

Director of Student Service

Department of Educational Studies



To access the RU OK? Buckeyes Questionnaire,


Call for Proposals! HERA Annual Conference Due January 10, 2017

Dear Colleague,

The Humanities Education and Research Association [HERA] is having its annual conference in San Diego, 1-4 March 2017 on Local Voices to Global Visions: Exploring Identity in the Humanities

HERA is an interdisciplinary organization that includes all the arts and sciences. Please inform your faculty about HERA’s conference by emailing them a copy of the attached conference poster and displaying the poster in your department office.  The deadline for submissions is January 10, 2017.

Thank you for your commitment to the Humanities.


Marcia Green

HERA is a 501(c)(3) not for profit Humanities organization.


In keeping with HERA’s mission of promoting the study of the humanities across a wide range of disciplines and interdisciplines, we invite presentations for the 2017 conference. The wide range of disciplines and areas of study for the conference include but are not limited to Aesthetics, Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Classics, Communication Studies, Composition, Cultural Studies, Dance, Design, Digital Technology, Education, Environmental Issues, Ethics, Ethnic Studies, Family, Film Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, Geology, Globalization, History, Languages, Literature, Media, Museum Studies, Music, Performance Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sexuality, Sociology, Theater and all sciences relevant to the topic.


Creative presentations, readings, and exhibitions are also welcomed. Submissions are encouraged from educators at all levels (including advanced graduate students) as well as all those with an interest in the arts and humanities.


Proposals for papers, panels, or workshops (150-200 words) must be submitted through the conference web portal on the HERA website at


Questions may be directed to the conference organizer, Marcia Green (


Presentation time for individual papers is limited to 15-20 minutes.


Deadline for submission: no later than January 10, 2017



New SP17 Course! HTHRHSC 5880.04S

HTHRHSC 5880.04S,  – Interprofessional Education: Collaboration in Urban Communities

Spring Semester

Tuesday, 4:30-6:50



Develop and practice skills necessary for interprofessional collaboration in solving complex human problems in a case based format with a particular focus on urban communities the first half of the course.  This will prepare students for the second half of the course which will be focused on students, faculty, community residents and professionals offering research-based solutions to community identified challenges. There will be a focus on community asset mapping, best professional and interprofessional practices, and teamwork. This will culminate in a service learning project at the end of the semester.

For more information, feel free to contact Antoinette Miranda at or 614-292-5909.


(Please note: HTHRHSC 5880.01 Interprofessional Education: Seminar on Interprofessional Care course content has been combined with HTHRHS 5880.04.  Thus, the case based format will be used in this course)

EHE RMC Methodology Leadership Series and Software Saturday Series


Generalized Item Response and Factor Trees with Dr. Paul De Boeck, OSU Professor of Psychology

Thursday, October 27, 1:00pm – 2:30pm

EHE College Commons, Ramseyer Hall 260



The RMC Strongly Agrees that you can get more information from your survey data!


Do you use surveys for your research?  While many of us rely on Likert Scales (Strongly Agree, Agree, etc.) to collect data, most of us don’t really know how to analyze these data.  Are they interval level?  Ordinal?  How you can properly deal with “Neutral” or “Undecided” responses?


Join Paul De Boeck as he discusses the true nature of Likert-type data and provides real-world examples of how these data can best be analyzed.  After this workshop, you will have new options for analysis that can help you get more information from your survey data!


Click here to sign up! 

Introduction to R with Mine Dogucu

Thursday, October 27, 4:00pm – 7:00pm

PAES 110






Bring your data!  Bring your questions!  Come for a review! QREM doctoral candidate Mine Dogucu will provide an introduction to the R computing environment.  This is a smart investment in your computing future, so don’t miss it! This session is geared to folks with little or no experience with R, but students with more advanced questions are welcome!


Click here to sign up! 


Introduction to STATA with Nivedita Bhaktha

Friday, October 28, 9:00am – 12:00pm

PAES 110





Are you new to STATA?  Are your skills a bit rusty?  Are you just looking for a gentle introduction to get you back into the swing of data analysis?


Please join the RMC for this introduction to STATA.  QREM doctoral student Nivedita Bhakta will introduce you to the STATA environment, teach you how to get your data into STATA, and how to prepare it for analysis.  Nivedita’s workshop is hands-on so you will get a chance to work with the software on real (messy) data sets that we provide!


Click here to sign up!



These events are FREE and open to all OSU Faculty, Students, Researchers, and Staff. 


Light refreshments will be provided.


Please contact Sandy Reed ( if you have any questions or require additional information!



DEADLINE EXTENDED! Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship Due 10/28

AGGRS: Extended Deadline

October 28, 5 p.m.

The Graduate School is extending the deadline for the Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship until October 28.

The AGGRS program provides grants to support the research and scholarship of doctoral and terminal master’s degree candidates for their dissertations or theses. Most grants are made for $2-3,000, but in cases of exceptional need, the committee will consider awards up to $5,000.

Contact: Ben Reder

New Resources for Graduate Students

CGS Occasional Paper Series

The Council of Graduate Schools Occasional Paper Series includes case studies that highlight the achievements, best practices, and lessons learned of CGS awardees and grant recipients as well as research studies focused on graduate education. The Occasional Paper Series reflects the diverse institutional, disciplinary, and demographic differences of CGS member institutions.

While these papers foreground the perspectives and achievements of particular individuals and universities, we publish these case study narratives and strategies to inspire and inform institutions in their mission to improve and advance graduate education.

Authors are responsible for the content of this Occasional Paper. The views and interpretations expressed are not necessarily those of CGS. Questions regarding these papers should be directed to the author(s).


Great Mentoring in Graduate School: A quick start guide for protégés

Laura Gail Lunsford and Vicki L. Baker, 2016

Great Mentoring provides a practical, student-oriented perspective informed by the authors’ experience and research on mentoring. We hope this new publication, Great Mentoring in Graduate School: A quick start guide for protégés will help your graduate students identify quality mentors and serve as helpful peer mentors to others. We also hope the guide will inform discussions on your campus about graduate student mentoring.