Featured Graduate Courses

Check out our list of featured Educational Studies Graduate courses below!

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Autumn 2023

ESWDE 7000.02 – Contemporary Research in Workforce Development

Course Description: An emphasis on critical understanding of empirical research in WDE with relevance in any field. A central component: student research presentations which provide an opportunity to practice conference presentations, dissertation talks, etc., and receive feedback from peers.

Meeting times/location: Tuesdays, 4:30-7:15 p.m., Baker Systems 128


Instructor: Dr. Jay Plasman

Credits: 3

ESSPED 6556 – Reading for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

Course Description: Course is designed to introduce students to issues concerning the development of literacy and language-related areas for children and adolescents who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing (d/Dhh) with some attention to those individuals who are d/Dhh with additional disabilities.

Meeting times/location: Asynchronous


Instructor: Dr. Peter V. Paul

Credits: 3

Recommended for students in Speech & Hearing Science; graduate programs in reading in Teaching & Learning

ESSPED 5722 – Language & Communication Development for Children with Mild to Intensive Disabilities

Course Description: This course examines current models, principles, and practices (evidence-based, evidence-infused, and culturally-appropriate) in the development of communication and language for children with mild to intensive disabilities or needs.

Meeting times/location: Asynchronous


Instructor: Dr. Peter V. Paul

Credits: 3

This course is part of the interdisciplinary Disability Studies undergraduate minor so students in this area might be interested. Also students in Speech & Hearing Science programs.

ESSPED 8875 – Professional Writing and Publication

Course Description: This course is open to doctoral students in any program. In this course, you will learn to identify appropriate outlets for various academic writing, review published manuscripts and critique peers’ writing, conduct literature searches, and engage in steps that will lead to you writing and submitting a completed manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal. The course is offered fully online via combined asynchronous and synchronous sessions.

Meeting times/location: Date and Time TBD


Instructor: Dr. Yvonne Goddard

Credits: 3

Recommended for doctoral students in any program.

ESSPED 6650 – Introduction to Exceptional Children

Course Description: Introduction to Exceptional Children is an overview of the education of exceptional learners. Enrollees will learn about the categories of special education (and their criteria), prevalence, demographics, special ed law and history, issues/challenges, and research-based methods.

Meeting times/location: Asynchronous


Instructor: Dr. Christina Billman

Credits: 3

Recommended for students in special education, disability studies, speech and language pathology, social work, counselor education, school psychology, general education, school-based professionals and clinical-based professionals working with students with disabilities.

ESEPOL 8312 – Governance and Control of American Education

Course Description: This course examines the way politics and policy shape who controls and who is represented in decisions that affect public education. Local, state and federal policies and politics will be discussed.

Meeting times/location: Mondays, 4:30-6:50 p.m., Ramseyer 009


Instructor: Dr. Ann Allen

Credits: 3

Recommended for any student interested in the politics that affect public education. May be of interest to students studying school governance, teacher education, politics and policy of K-12 or Higher Education in America. May also be of interest to students in political science, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, etc.

ESEPOL 8352 – Educational Policy in Democratic Society

Course Description: The course examines democratic purposes of public education, competing aims for education, the challenges and tensions of education as a common good and the effect of education policies on these tensions, including who has voice in education decisions.

Meeting times/location: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:50 p.m., Ramseyer 009


Instructor: Dr. Ann Allen

Credits: 3

ESPHE 6250 – History of Education

Course Description: In this course, we will explore some of the lived experiences of schooling in the United States. We will center our exploration on first person narratives (or traces of them) and on scholarship based upon first person narratives.

Course Flyer: ESPHE 6250 History of Education Fall 23 Flyer

Meeting times/location: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:50 p.m., Online

Synchronous Online

Instructor: Dr. Antoinette Errante

Credits: 3

Recommended for all students in the College of Education and Human Ecology as well as history. Specific programs include ESPHE and Ed Policy students but it may of interest beyond these programs.