Brown Co. Junior Fair Commercial Swine Division – New for 2023

The Brown County Junior Fair is offering a new Commercial Swine division for 2023. Below is information from the Swine Department. Click here to download a PDF of this information. 

NEW FOR 2023
COMMERCIAL MARKET SWINE PROJECTTo take a commercial hog project you will need to sign up for project 139 Market Hog Project: Commercial Swine by the
April 1st enrollment deadline. 4-H members will select this in 4HOnline, FFA members will designate this on their paper
form. Those wishing to show in the traditional project will enroll in the standard 139 Market Hog Project.

  • YOU CAN NOT show in both the market swine project and the commercial swine project it is one or the other. The
    judges for these projects will be evaluating using different criteria.ALL swine department rules for market swine apply to this project.Pigs for this project will be supplied by the Jr. Fairboard.
  • Price will be based on feeder pig market at the time of pick up.
  • Exhibitor can take one or two head for this project. Youth will be contacted after the enrollment deadline to designate the
    number of hogs they would like to show.
  • You will pick up and pay for your swine project TBA at the fairgrounds.
  • Hogs will be tagged and weighed day of pick up. The same weight limits apply to ALL swine projects.
  • All pigs will be of the same quality. Each exhibitor will draw a tag number to see which pig he/she gets.
  • Commercial projects DO NOT bring their animals to tag in on June 17th.
  • The Commercial Market show will be on Wednesday morning of fair week.
  • Each exhibitor can do showmanship on Monday in their respective age class.
  • Each exhibitor is eligible for OME.
  • Commercial Market projects will sell in the sale and will also have a GRAND and RESERVE.
  • Each Commercial Market project will also be eligible for grand champion RATE OF GAIN in the commercial division.

Questions on this new division can be directed to Roger McKinzie, Swine Superintendent.

Please note there will be a Rate of Gain champion for the traditional market show in 2023 also.

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