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139. J. Zhang, M. Rutkowski, L.W. Martin, T. Conry, R. Ramesh, J.F. Ihlefeld, A. Melville, D.G. Schlom, and L.J. Brillson, “Surface, Bulk and Interface Electronic States of Epitaxial BiFeO3,”J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27, 2012-2014 (2009).
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132. L.J. Brillson, H.L. Mosbacker, D. Doutt, M. Kramer, Z.L. Fang, D.C. Look, G. Cantwell, J. Zhang, and J.J. Song, “Nanoscale Depth Resolved Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy of ZnO Surfaces and Metal Interfaces, “Superlattices and Microstructures, 45, 206-213 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.spmi.2008.11.008