Maggie’s Design:
- Description: The design is very similar to the reference AEV. The major differences include putting the battery on the top back of the AEV. This will help spread out the weight on the AEV and it will be easier to use the AEV if the battery is secured to the top versus the bottom. Additionally, small wings were added to the back parts of the T shaped base of the AEV to make it look cooler and possibly work better aerodynamically.
- Pros: even weight distribution, more aerodynamic
- Cons: small additional cost
Makayla’s Design:
- Description: The design deviates significantly from the reference AEV as both a new base and a windshield were utilized. The windshield is to help reduce the air resistance on the AEV. The new base design is not only narrower but also shorter which helps off set the weight added from the windshield. Lowering the overall dimensions will also help slightly increase the aerodynamics of the vehicle.
- Pros: more aerodynamic, loss of weight
- Cons: lots of additional cost
Garrett’s Design:
- Description: The design was very similar to the reference AEV. A standard base was used so no new cost or weight would be added from that. Also, the battery was moved to the top to stabilize the AEV.
- Pros: no additional cost, increased stability
- Cons: no major differences from the reference AEV
Mark’s Design:
- Description: This design deviates significantly from the reference AEV design provided. This design is shorter from front to back, but wider & utilizes a wind barrier that folds around the entire AEV. The purpose of adding the wind barrier is to reduce drag from the air moving around the AEV, while the shorter length is designed to have the windshields effect shield both battery & arduino nano board.
- Pros: reduced air resistance, increased safety
- Cons: additional cost