Learning the Code

Programming Basics:

Day 1 Code: Getting Familiar with Arduino and Sketchbook

Task- The purpose of the day 1 code was to make all of the team members were familiar with using sketchbook to program the Arduino. The code includes very basic commands. It was also useful in learning how to upload code to the Arduino and how to start the code after it was uploaded.

Code Used to Test Reflectance Sensors:

Task- The purpose of the code used to test the reflectance sensors was to make sure the reflectance sensors were (1) working and (2) in the right direction. With this code, we knew what the reflectance sensor test should be returning for data (positive or negative number of marks) and the team was able to use this information to conclude the reflectance sensors were not in the right direction. The team changed the direction of the sensors and reran the test to ensure the mistake was corrected.

Data Analysis Tool Code:

Task- The purpose of the data analysis tool code was to run a short segment of code on the AEV and then use the data extraction tool to analyze distance and time versus energy. One of the goals of the team is to decrease energy usage and increase energy efficiency. The data analysis tool was used to compare the motor power in the code to energy consumption.