
Meeting Minutes 1

Date and Time: Monday, Jan 11, 2019 at 8:00am to 9:20am

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members in Attendance: Maggie, Mark, Makayla, Garrett

Goal: To begin the preliminary parts of the project. Create website and have the first meeting minutes produced.

Completed Tasks: N/A

Tasks to be Completed:

  • follow up with Team B about the website- Makayla and Maggie
  • create team meeting minutes- Garrett
  • establish a project timeline and goals for MCR (on website)- all
  • share google drive folder with company and then other folder for just our team and add contact information- all

Project Timeline: See “Tasks to be Completed”- for next lab day

Decisions: No major decisions to report yet, however this next week there will be far more. As far as minor decisions go, we decided to make sure that we all equally learn and practice the arduino code and so one person isn’t stuck doing all the coding. This was a group made decision that was heavily influenced by the fact that none of us has extensive coding experience.

Meeting Minutes 2

Date and Time: Friday January 18, 2019 at 8:00am to 9:20am

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members in Attendance: Maggie, Mark, Makayla, Garrett

Goal: complete tasks presented during the lab period

Completed Tasks: 

  • construction of the base and side arm
  • exercise 2 code completed
  • AEV documents completed and turned in
  • team working agreement completed

Tasks to be Completed:

  • perfect exercise 2 code and make sure it is ready to test and work on the AEV- Mark, Maggie, Makayla during Wednesday meeting

Project Timeline: exercise 2 code should be completed by next lab period, other deliverables for lab day 3 are complete

Decisions: No major decisions in relation to the progress of the AEV project to report yet. In the team working agreement (can be found on the team D page), weekly meeting times and roles were decided upon. A better decision for roles was determined using information found in the first class discussion on Carmen and having a week of getting to know the other team members.