Advanced Research and Development 1&2
Reflectance Sensors- From test 1, the fixed orientation of the reflectance sensors in respect to being parallel to the AEV’s arm and being perpendicular to the AEV’s base creates more inaccuracy in the reflectance sensor readings. From test 2, the most accurate orientation of the reflective parts of the reflectance sensor was the tape showing on the left (back) half of the wheel and the most inaccurate orientation was the tape showing completely on top of the wheel.
Propellers- The larger propellers traveled farther and required less energy to travel farther than the smaller propellers.
Research that Supports These Findings:
Reflectance Sensors- From test 1, the regular orientation of the reflectance sensors deviated from the actual distance by an average of +0.086in and the fixed orientation of the sensors deviated from the actual distance by an average of +0.330in; making the regular orientation of the reflectance sensors more accurate than fixing the orientation. From test 2, the distance measured by all the tape shown on top deviated from the actual distance by an average of +0.315in, the tape shown on the left (back) half deviated from the actual distance by an average of +0.023in, the tape shown on the right (front) half deviated from the actual distance by an average of -0.075in, and no tape shown deviated from the actual distance by an average +0.1209n; making the tape on the left half most accurate measurement and all the tape showing the least accurate measurement.
Propellers- For the small propellers, the average velocity was 4.40in/s, the average seconds per percentage of power was 0.210s, and the average inches per percentage of power was 0.889in. For the large propellers, the average velocity was 8.89in/s, the average seconds per percentage of power was 0.337s, and the average inches per percentage of power was 3.32in. The larger propellers had higher velocity and better energy efficiency than the smaller propellers.
Effects on the AEV:
Reflectance Sensors- From test 1, the reflectance sensors should not be taped to be orientated parallel or perpendicular to any parts of the AEV. From test 2, the reflective part of the sensor should start on the left (back) half of the wheel to ensure the most accurate reading.
Propellers- The larger propellers should be used from now on.
Advanced Research and Development 3
Findings: The trials run with the power braking code were more accurate, more consistent, and ran for less time; however, the runs consumed more energy. These runs had a lower average run time cost but a higher average energy consumption cost. The trials run with the coasting/power braking code were less accurate, less consistent, and consumed less energy; however, the runs ran for more time. These runs had a lower average energy consumption cost but a higher average run time cost.
Research that Supports These Findings: The trials run with the power braking code had an average run time of 24.79s, an average run time cost of $127188, an average energy consumption of 117.72J, an average energy consumption cost of $183859, and an average total cost of $311047. The trials run with the coasting/power braking code had an average run time of 25.39s, an average run time cost of $128088, an average energy consumption of 102.08J, an average energy consumption cost of $176041, and an average total cost of $304129.
Effects on the Code: The team should continue to use the power braking code because of accuracy and consistency. There are other ways in terms of safety and materials to balance the added costs of energy consumption within the budget.