Meeting 8:
Date and Time: Friday March 1, 2019 8:00am-9:20am
Location: Hitchcock 224
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal: Collect data for advanced research and development 1. Discuss the effect of Angelo dropping of class.
Completed Tasks:
- methodologies were updated for the motor and the servo tests.
- data were collected for the first test for motor configuration.
Tasks to be Completed:
- a step by step procedure needs to be added for the second reflectance sensor test and for the propeller configuration test
- data collected for the first reflectance sensor test needs to be analyzed and a conclusion should be made
Project Timeline: The data needs to be analyzed by the next lab which is Monday, March 4, 2019. The information regarding the second reflectance test needs to be completed by the next lab. The information regarding the propeller configuration test needs to be completed before Wednesday, March 6, 2019.
Decisions: A decision was made that each member was going to handle more workload and it should be divided equally among members due to Angelo dropping the class. Yonis and Korey will work on the methodology while Brian will work on documentation.
Meeting 9:
Date and Time: Monday March 4, 2019 8:00am-8:55am
Location: Hitchcock 308
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal: Finish collecting data for Advanced Research and Development 1 and start thinking about the Performance Test 1
Completed Tasks:
- Data were collected for the motor configuration research.
- Coding for the first performance test was started
Tasks to be Completed:
- Methodology needs to be documented.
- Data collected for the motor configuration test needs to be collected.
- Brainstorming for the second progress report should be started.
- The first performance test should be completed
Project Timeline: The data needs to be analyzed by the next lab which is Wednesday, March 6, 2019. The procedure and pictures for the second reflectance sensor test should also be completed by the next lab period. The performance test code should be completed and roles should be assigned for the second progress report by the next lab period.
Decisions: Brian will work on analyzing data. Korey will work on the code for the first performance test. Yonis will document the provided data for the second progress report. Brian will work on documentation for the Motor configuration within the methodologies document and start thinking about how to test the servo motor which is the second part of the advanced research and development.
Meeting 10:
Date and Time: Wednesday, March 6, 2019, 8:00am-8: 55 am
Location: Hitchcock 308
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal: to complete advanced research and development data collection and to start serious progress on performance test 1
Completed Tasks:
- data were collected for the motor configuration research and development
- the second progress report was started
- the code for the first performance test continued to be worked on
Tasks to be Completed:
- documentation for advanced research and development needs to be completed
- website update 3 needs to be started
- progress report 2 needs to be completed
- code for the first performance test needs to be completed
Project Timeline: The documentation for the advanced research and development should be completed by the first lab period after spring break (Monday, March 18, 2019). The second progress report needs to be completed by the lab period on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. The code and testing for the first performance test should be completed during the next lab period on Friday, March 8, 2019, and it is a top priority.
Decisions: Brian will continue working on the documentation for advanced research and development. Yonis and Korey will work on the third website update. Brian will complete the second progress report. All will continue working on the first performance test code so it is ready to be tested on Friday, March 18, 2019.
Meeting 11:
Date and Time: Friday, March 8, 2019 8:00am-9:20am
Location: Hitchcock 224
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal: to complete testing for performance test 1
Completed Tasks:
Tasks to be Completed:
- testing for performance test 1
- progress report 2
- website update 3
Project Timeline: Both the progress report 2 and website update 3 should be finished by the end of spring break. The code for performance test 2 should be completed the following week. Brainstorming for the code for performance test 2 will be done by all.
Decisions: Yonis and Korey will work on website update 3. Brian will finish progress report 2. All will continue to work towards performance test 1.
Meeting 12:
Date and Time: Monday, March 18, 2019 8:00am-8:55am
Location: Hitchcock 308
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Completed Tasks:
- Performance test 1
- Progress report 2
- Website update 3
Tasks to be Completed:
- Performance Test 2
- Oral presentations for advanced research and development
Project Timeline: Complete performance test 2 testing by next lab period.
Decisions: No decisions
Meeting 13:
Date and Time: Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 8:00am-8:55am
Location: Hitchcock 308
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal: complete testing for performance test 2
Completed Tasks:
- code for performance test 2 was finalized
Tasks to be Completed:
- oral presentations for advanced research and development
Project Timeline: The oral presentation for advanced research and development will be on next lab on Friday, all members are to work on presentation.
Decisions: No decisions
Meeting 14
Date and Time: Friday, March 22, 2019 8:00am-9:20am
Location: Hitchcock 224
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal: To present the team’s findings from advanced research and development 1 and 2(
Completed Tasks:
- oral presentation
Tasks to be Completed:
- Finish testing for performance test 2
- start CDR draft
- start preparing for committee meeting 2
Project Timeline:Performance test 2 should be completed by Wednesday March 27, 2019. The draft for the CDR and the committee meeting 2 are both due on Friday March 29, 2019
Decisions: All members are responsible for their department’s part in the committee.
Meeting 15
Date and Time:Monday, March 25, 2019 8:00am-8:55am
Location: Hitchcock 308
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal: Performance test 2 testing
Completed Tasks:
- performance test 2
Tasks to be Completed:
- CDR Draft
- committee meeting 2
Project Timeline: The CDR draft and committee meeting are both scheduled for Friday March 29, 2019.
Decisions: All members work on the CDR draft and work on their respective parts for the committee meeting.
Meeting 16
Date and Time: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 8:00am-8:55am
Location: Hitchcock 308
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal:To decide roles for committee meeting 2
Completed Tasks:
- Roles for the committee meeting 2 decided upon: Korey will be in charge of research and development, Brian will be in charge of public relations/marketing, Yonis will be in charge of human resources
Tasks to be Completed:
- aR&D 3 methodologies
- CDR draft
- committee meeting 2
- performance test 3
Project Timeline: Each member of the team should be prepared for their individual committee meetings for Friday March 29, 2019. The team will start data collection for aR&D 3 on Friday March 29, 2019 when the team members are not in their individual committee meetings. The team should immediately start testing for performance test 3 following the completion of data collection for aR&D 3. The final performance test is due on Wednesday April 10, 2019.
Decisions: For the second committee meeting, Korey will be in charge of research and development, Brian will be in charge of public relations/marketing, and Yonis will be in charge of human resources.
Meeting 17
Date and Time: Friday, March 29, 2019 8:00am-9:20am
Location: Hitchcock 224
Members in Attendance: Yonis, Brian and Korey
Goal: complete committee meeting 2, decide a topic for aR&D 3, start data collection for aR&D 3
Completed Tasks:
- committee meeting 2
- the team will test the effect of weight on energy consumption.
- data was collected on topic.
Tasks to be Completed:
- aR&D 3 quiz
- aR&D methodologies
Project Timeline: Each team member needs to individually complete the quiz for aR&D 3 on carmen by midnight on Saturday March 30, 2019. The team needs to complete methodologies for aR&D 3 by midnight on Saturday March 30, 2019.
Decisions: Yonis will work on methodologies