
Meeting Minutes 3

Date and Time: Friday February 1, 2019 at 8:00am-9:20am

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members in Attendance: all

Goal: complete tasks presented during the lab period

Completed Tasks:

  • reflector sensor code completed
  • exercise 3 code completed

Tasks to be Completed:

  • website update 2 is due next week
  • testing
  • Individual AEV design

Project Timeline: Complete testing in order to gather data that was missed in the last lab.

Decisions: the group will meet after the lecture on Wednesday to discuss the progression of the group.


Meeting Minutes 4

Date and Time: Friday February 8, 2019 at 8:00am-9:20am

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members in Attendance: all

Goal: complete lab

Completed Tasks:

  • reflector sensor test completed
  • exercise 3 completed
  • data collected

Tasks to be Completed:

  • grant proposal
  • progress report
  • exercise 4
  • exercise 5

Project Timeline: exercises 4 and 5 will be completed first and then each team member will have part of the grant proposal or progress report to work on.

Decisions: the group will meet on Wednesday to complete the exercises and split up the work for the documentation. each member must bring their individual AEV design with justifications for the meeting on Wednesday for discussion.

Meeting Minutes 5

Date and Time: Friday, February 11, 2019 at 9:20am-10:00am

Location: Hitchcock 316

Members in Attendance: all

Goal: Discuss the upcoming grant proposal and complete team preparations

Completed Tasks:

  • Team Designs Selected

Tasks to be Completed:

  • grant proposal – Korey & Yonis design Brian- Presentation
  • progress report- all
  • website update- all

Project Timeline: We need to complete everything before this Friday

Decisions: Everybody is to complete what is required before the agreed upon deadline.


Meeting 5

Date and Time: Monday, February 11, 2019, at 8:30am-8: 50 am

Location: Hitchcock 308

Members in  Attendance: All

Goal: Discuss the upcoming grant proposal and complete team preparations

Completed Tasks:

Tasks to be Completed:

  • grant proposal – Korey & Yonis design Brian- Presentation
  • progress report- all
  • website update- all

Project Timeline: This coming Friday is the deadline.

Decisions: The group will complete parts and communication will be made over messaging in order to ensure that all of the components are completed.


Meeting 6

Date and Time: Friday, February 15, 2019 at 8:00am-9:20am

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members in  Attendance: All

Goal: Grant Proposal and Lab Quiz

Completed Tasks: 

  • grant proposal presentation
  • individual lab proficiency quizzes were completed

Tasks to be Completed: 

  • committee meeting information

Project Timeline: Each person needs to have their own committee meeting information ready for the committee meeting next week.

Decisions: Yonis will be in charge of the human resources committee meeting; Koreywill be in charge of the R&D committee meeting; Brian will be in charge of the public relations committee meeting; Angelo will be in charge of the CFO committee meeting.


Meeting 7

Date and Time: Friday, February 22, 2019 at 8:00am-9:20am

Location: Hitchcock 224

Members in Attendance: All

Goal: Complete the committee meetings and decision within the company which groups are doing which methodologies.

Completed Tasks: 

  • committee meetings were completed
  • Team B- servo calibration and use; motor configuration
  • Team D- propeller configuration; reflectance sensor testing
  • Team M- battery testing; push vs pull

Tasks to be Completed: 

  • methodologies information
  • the team committee meeting reflection

Project Timeline: Each person needs to complete their own part of the committee meeting reflection before lab next week. Each person will also complete their part of the methodologies by tomorrow (Saturday, February 23, 2019) at 8 pm so the rough draft can be submitted.

Decisions: Korey and Brian will be in charge of the motor configuration methodologies. Yonis and Angelo will be in charge of servo calibration and use testing methodologies.