Maximize your Ag Tech – Tri-State Precision Ag Webinar on June 23

By  Stephanie Karhoff OSU Extension

Get the most out of your Ag Tech this year by joining experts from Ohio State University, Michigan State University, and Purdue University for the 2020 Tri-State Precision Ag Day via online webinar on June 23 at 6:00 p.m. Learn more about drone imaging, calibrating yield monitors, on-farm research, and emerging technologies.

Topics and speakers include:

Hype from Reality
Dr. John Fulton, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University

Get the Most out of Ag Tech with On-Farm Research
Dr. Elizabeth Hawkins, Field Specialist, The Ohio State University

Yield Monitor Calibration
Ricardo Costa, Extension Educator, Michigan State University

Aerial Imagery Options
Crystal Van Pelt, Extension Educator, Purdue University

Register for the webinar at Contact Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Educator Stephanie Karhoff at 419-636-5608 or for more information.

How does flooding affect soybean germination?

The recent heavy rains have created flooded conditions in many areas of Michigan and producers need to understand how the standing water will affect their soybean fields. There is a lot of information available regarding the effects of flooded or saturated soils on emerged soybeans and this information is summarized in the Michigan State University Extension article, “Assessing water damage to emerged soybeans.”

Photo by Paul Gross, MSU Extension.

There is less information about how flooding affects the germination of recently planted soybean seed. A 2001 journal article, “Flooding and temperature effects on soybean germination,” by Wuebker et al. is a commonly cited reference on this topic. The research was conducted in a growth chamber so that temperature, timing of the flooding and the duration of the flooding could be controlled and varied. The researchers looked at two temperatures, 59 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit, three timings, one, two and three days after imbibition (seed swell or 12 hours after planting) and five durations of flooding ranging from 1 hour to 48 hours.

Temperature effects

The researchers found that overall, flooding adversely affected germination more severely at 59 F than at 77 F. This was true regardless of the duration of the flooding. They also showed that damage was reduced by warmer soil temperatures when the flooding occurred one to two days after imbibition. At 59 F, flooded conditions lasting for only 1 hour reduced germination rates by 22%. Continue reading How does flooding affect soybean germination?

Heat Unit Accumulation and Corn Emergence

By Peter Thomison OSU Extension

There have been reports of slow corn emergence in some areas and that corn planted more than two weeks ago is not yet emerging. Is this cause for concern? Not necessarily. Corn requires about 100 growing degrees days (GDDs) to emerge (emergence requirements can vary from 90 to 150 GDDs). To determine daily GDD accumulation, calculate the average daily temperature (high + low)/2 and subtract the base temperature which is 50 degrees F for corn. If the daily low temperature is above 50 degrees, and the high is 86 or less, then this calculation is performed using actual temperatures. If the low temperature is less than 50 degrees, use 50 degrees as the low in the formula. Similarly, if the high temperature is above 86 degrees, use 86 degrees in the formula. The high cutoff temperature (86 degrees F) is used because growth rates of corn do not increase above 86 degrees F. Growth at the low temperature cutoff (50 degrees F) is already near zero, so it does not continue to slow as temperatures drop further.

Continue reading Heat Unit Accumulation and Corn Emergence

OSU Aquatic Ecosystems Program to Host Weekly Virtual Pond Clinic

Do you have a pond management question? Then, join Eugene C. Braig on Tuesdays from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. via Zoom for a virtual pond clinic. Eugene is the Program Director of the School of Environment and Natural Resources’ Extension Aquatic Ecosystems Program. He will be available to answer your question(s) online on an individual basis. There may be a short wait time, depending on the volume of questions for a given week. See below for instructions to access the Zoom meeting. Continue reading OSU Aquatic Ecosystems Program to Host Weekly Virtual Pond Clinic

Choosing The Right Nitrogen Rate For Corn Is Important To Profitability

By: Jim Camberato and Bob Nielsen Purdue University

Although nitrogen (N) fertilizer can be costly, it is needed to optimize profit in Indiana cornfields. Applying too little N reduces profit by reducing grain yield. Too much N does not return value and can also damage the environment.

Results from 167 field-scale N response trials conducted over more than 10 years underpin current region-based N recommendations. These data-driven N recommendations replaced the old yield-goal based system1, which was proven ineffective. Current recommendations represent the N rate for maximum profit over the long-term, but differences in soil type, management, and weather can result in lower or higher N requirements in any given situation. Rainfall after N application will primarily determine the efficiency of applied N2, with excessive rainfall causing higher N loss and greater need for fertilizer N.  Although N applied prior to planting this season has not been subject to conditions promoting N loss in most areas of Indiana, N loss can occur season-long, particularly prior to the V8 growth stage when corn N uptake and water use are relatively low. Continue reading Choosing The Right Nitrogen Rate For Corn Is Important To Profitability

Why are we importing beef?

By Stan Smith, OSU Extension

Two weeks ago we discussed how COVID-19 has caused challenges for consumers and farmers alike regarding beef supply and demand. As consumers concern themselves with providing quality food for family members that are now eating more meals at home, cattlemen struggle with a backlog of finished cattle that packers can’t get harvested. That causes some to ask, “Why are we importing beef?”

At first glance it seems like a movement that resulted in American consumers eating only domestic beef would provide a simple and logical solution for both consumers and cattlemen. Under closer inspection, we find a move to no longer eat imported beef would mean our days of frequenting most fast food restaurants could be over, and the net value of our U.S. cattle would be even less. All the while, U.S. beef harvest capacity would remain at the mercy of COVID-19 and packing plant employee health. Continue reading Why are we importing beef?