Courtesy of Ohio Department of Agriculture
High Path Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been confirmed in poultry flocks in Kentucky, Indiana, Virginia, New York, Maine, Michigan and Delaware. HPAI spreads quickly and can be fatal to flocks and devastating to poultry owners. ODA is urging poultry owners to intensify biosecurity and best management practices:
• Prevent Contact with wild birds and waterfowl. Keep birds indoors when possible. Add wildlife management practices around your farm. hpaifactsheet_wildlife-biosecurity.pdf (usda.gov)
• Keep visitors to a minimum. Only allow those who care for your poultry to have contact with them and make sure they follow biosecurity principles.
• Wash your hands before and after contact with live poultry. Use soap and water. If using a hand sanitizer, first remove manure, feathers, and other materials from your hands.
• Provide disposable boot covers (preferred) and/or disinfectant footbaths for anyone having contact with your flock. If using a footbath, remove all droppings, mud or debris from boots and shoes using a long-handled brush BEFORE stepping in. Always keep it clean.
• Establish a rodent and pest control program. Deliver, store, and maintain feed, ingredients, bedding and litter to limit exposure to and contamination from wild animals.
• Use drinking water sourced from a contained supply (well or municipal system). Do not use surface water for drinking or cleaning.
• Clean and disinfect tools and equipment before moving them to a new poultry facility. Trucks, tractors, tools and equipment should be cleaned and disinfected prior to exiting the property. Do not move or reuse anything that cannot be cleaned.
• Look for signs of illness. Monitor egg production and death loss, discoloration and/or swelling of legs, wattles and combs, labored breathing, reduced feed/water consumption.
• Report sick birds: Report unusual signs of disease or unexpected deaths to OPA (614) 882-6111 or ODA at (614) 728-6220 or afterhours at (888) 456-3405.
For more information on biosecurity practices, visit: USDA APHIS | Defend the Flock – Resource Center
Defend the Flock Winter Bulletin https://www.aphis.usda.gov/publications/animal_health/dtf-newsletter-winter-22.pdf
All cases in commercial and backyard flocks: USDA APHIS | 2022 Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
One of the best sanitizers right now in the poultry industry is chlorine dioxide. This mineral mixture can be used to sanitize drinking water for chickens as well as cleaning their environment. Chlorine dioxide is a super powerful miniature oxidizer that attaches itself to pathogens and destroys them. It is found affective against many bacteria and viruses. You can find Standard operating procedure’s for the product at https://www.safrax.com