Writing a NACADA Book Review!

Anyone who knows me knows I love to read (almost as much as I love Disney).  So, I was excited when I found out that I could get a free book each year in exchange for writing a book review for NACADA.  The process for doing this is very easy and they help you out every step of the way.  You do have to be a member of NACADA in order to request a book and write a review for them, but if you are, it is a really simple process.

The first step is to go to http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Journal/Book-Reviews.aspx and check out the “List of available books”.  I try to go and check out the list every month or so, to see if there is a book that is of particular interest to me or that I think might interest one of my colleagues.  You can only do this once per year, so make sure you find a book you are really interested in reading. There are usually at least 10 books to choose from and the topics are wide ranging, from books on policy and teaching/advising methodology to novels.

Once you find a book you are interested in reading, send a request to bookrev@ksu.edu.  They will send you your book and instructions for completing the book review.  You must read the book and submit a draft of your review within three months.  If you can’t meet the deadline, you can request an extension, return the book or pay replacement and handling costs, so make sure you set aside time to read and write your review (I did a lot of my reading on my lunch hour).

I was really nervous the first time I wrote a book review for NACADA, I was afraid it would be terrible and that I would do it all wrong.  It turned out to be a lot less stressful than I expected.  They give you really clear guidelines about what they are looking for with regard to content of you review as well as length.  You send it to them and then they will send it back with some corrections/suggestions.  Once you approve the changes, they publish the review in the next issue of the online Journal and send you the link to your review so you can see the final product.

I encourage anyone who is a NACADA member to take advantage of this opportunity.  Writing a book review for NACADA gives you the chance to get a free book, get yourself published in the NACADA journal, and engage in professional development through both reading the book and writing the review. I learned a lot both of the times I have done this and am looking forward to doing it again.

For those who are not NACADA members, keep in mind that you can always write a book review for the ACADAOS blog or any other professional organization that you might belong to that publishes book reviews.  No matter how you go about doing it, make sure you log the points for the Professional Development program through ACADAOS!


Written by Stephanie Elliott

The who, what, why, when, and where of professional organizations.

A long time ago when I was but a wee graduate student at the University of Akron studying Higher Education, we did a lot of talking about professional development and research.  We also discussed the multitude of positions in higher education and organizations that related to those positions.  Some of our peers at OSU have asked me the question, “How do you even know about these organizations, Katie?”  “I found out about them in graduate school” is my typical answer.  And that got me thinking…there are a lot of advisors on campus that didn’t get their start in advising through a higher education graduate program. So, I wanted to offer an insider’s view of what these things are all about.

Who are these organizations?  There are many to choose from and I would say it all depends on your role and job responsibilities.  This is a fairly complete list of higher education professional organizations:  http://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/span/higher-education-administration-club/professional-associations-in-higher-education/.  Do some online research for each organization, and talk to co-workers or peers to get thoughts about what organizations they’ve joined (and what they do with that membership).  There isn’t one organization that works for everyone.

What can you do for professional organizations and what they can do for you?  Most of us think of a professional organization and think, yeah, they offer a conference, maybe a journal, but not much else.  That is so not true!  They offer outlets to collaborate with our peers from across the country, improve our leadership skills, improve our writing and or research abilities, and about a ba-zillion other things that I won’t drone on about.  I chose to use The National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), and our on-campus organization Academic Advising Association of The Ohio State University (ACADAOS) to improve my leadership abilities, to work collaboratively on research and presentations, and to learn best practices from other advisors.  Think about what you can do for the organizations you are joining, don’t just join to add a line to your resume.

When should you join?  Now!  Most organizations take memberships year round and will give you access to their online resources right away.

How can you get involved?  It depends on the organization.  It will typically be listed on their website, and most organizations have commissions or interest groups.  If there’s a commission that catches your eye, email the chair and ask how you can get involved in their group.  In most cases the level of involvement is up to you.  I started by reading presentation proposals for the Region 5 conference for NACADA, then moved up to helping plan the region conference, to being a part of the STEM commission, to chair of the commission.  I always think about professional organizations the same way I tell my students to think about their student organizations, “You get out of them what you put into them.”

If you don’t know where to get started, ask someone you know that is involved.  Anyone on the ACADAOS executive board would be great people to start with 🙂


~Katie Bush-Glenn

Advising and Recruitment…in 140 characters?! #tweetchat

There are a few of us on campus who are in advising roles but also serve as our academic unit’s recruitment contact.  You’ll see us running back and forth between our advising appointments and the SAS building for Admissions Update meetings or loading into 12 passenger vans with bags of swag and (for some of us) high heeled shoes that we rarely wear in our offices but bought because they look super cute with our scarlet and grey spirit gear that we don for the admitted student dessert receptions in Chicago, Cleveland and Cincinnati.

advisorrecruitment1 advisorrecruitment2

Kia McKinnie always provides some outtakes during the down time at these events. 

Most advisors, even if not officially recruiters for Ohio State or our Academic Units, also have the pleasure of appointments with prospective students and their families as they weigh their option to come to Ohio State vs. our in state and out of state competitors.  We answer questions about our programs, the different types of classes that a student might take and talk lots about the various curricular opportunities the student will have the privilege of experiencing in our majors.  We discuss the outcomes that our majors can provide in terms of graduate or professional school preparation and job marketability and we know our rankings inside and out.  We act as the navigator or connection between the strength of the academic programs and the opportunities at Ohio State and the hopes and dreams of those prospectives and their families. We help make the jumble of acronyms, the size of the institution and the ‘bigness’ of our degrees suddenly seem understandable, doable and even something to really be excited about starting.  This contact with our advising staff is often, I think, a key piece in getting the student to hit submit on that application.  Advisors are an important role in the recruitment process.

We don’t often talk about that though, do we?  In that 30-60 minute prospective student appointment we’re spending the whole time answering questions about our programs and talking about how awesome the opportunities at Ohio State are for each individual student that enrolls but we rarely talk about our role in helping the student actually put it all together.  We are a humble bunch right?  But we should talk about what we do and about what our role is. We should help the student understand that we are the constant that they’ll have throughout their four years here. No matter what population they fall into they will have an assigned academic advisor who is their link to the University. We should explain that we are the only staff that has direct responsibility for their academic life at the University. We should help them understand that we are not just course planners and schedulers or button pushers but that we are Outcomes Managers.  We are directly invested, wholeheartedly, in their academic success from the point that they push the apply button to when they toss their graduation cap into the air (that’s still allowed right?)  Isn’t that a selling point for Ohio State? That we have this team of dedicated professionals who chose a career in helping students find success no matter how bumpy the road? That we help create the web that helps prevent individual students from academically slipping through the cracks at a large institution?

I think it’s really starting to be.  Those few of us who have the dual roles have gotten to participate in more recruitment events specifically speaking about our roles in student success. Chris Adams, Jen Belisle, Dan DeMay, Whitney Weber and I did a break out session on “Who Is Your Advisor and What Do They Do” (Kindergarten Cop voice) at the last two Academic Open House visit days and were later asked to repeat the presentation for members of the University Communication Team.  Most recently, Chris and I got to participate in one of Undergraduate Admissions’ “TwitterChats”  Tweetchat? I am unsure of the verb tense appropriate for Twittering.

Undergraduate Admissions advertised:

A Live Twitter Chat with #OhioState Academic Advisors answering questions about what they do to help students navigate the Ohio State curriculum and become successful alumni.

And then on November 13th Chris and I spent a couple of hours trying to capture Advising’s Awesomeness and put it into 140 characters per tweet.  It was a great opportunity to talk about who advisors are and how we help students at Ohio State.   It was also stressful! Technology is not my friend but we survived with only slightly cramped thumbs from the tweeting.  You can read the transcript of the twitter chat at https://storify.com/futurebuckeyes/ohiostatechat  if you would like.  My favorite part of the experience was getting to answer question 11.  They sent us the questions in advance so we would have time to think a bit about our answers and how to encapsulate them in 140 characters and I realized there was no way that I could do justice to “What Does a Degree Mean” from the perspective of all advisors on campus so we made a video instead and used it as a way to introduce some of our outstanding advisors.   Make sure you check it out at go.osu.edu/WhatAnOSUDegreeMeans

I encourage you, the next time you have the opportunity with a prospective student and their family to take a minute to talk about what we do and what our part in the student’s life is.   Advising is important. Advisors are important.


A special thanks to Sarah Howard at the Newark Campus for the twitter advice! If you are looking into harnessing the power of Twitter in your advising role, she’s a great resource!!




Hello all! The NACADA Region 5 conference is just a short drive away in Indianapolis, Indiana! They are now accepting proposals for the conference and will be accepting them through January 2, 2015!  You can find more information at http://ilacada.org/?wysija-page=1&controller=email&action=view&email_id=98&wysijap=subscriptions&user_id=1545.  

Additionally the ACT.ORG Enrollment Planners conference is in Chicago this year and is also accepting proposals! They will be accepting proposals through December 19th, 2014.  You can find more information at http://www.act.org/epc/

Jen Belisle has a handy dandy rotating calendar of upcoming events so if you’re ever curious about what is “the haps” in advising you can find out at http://u.osu.edu/advisortraining/event-calendar/

 NACADA Region 5 has quite a few grants and scholarships that you can apply for for conference travel. Information is located at http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Events-Programs/Events/Region-Conferences/Region-5.aspx


*Adding hyperlinks is not working for me for some reason today! I apologize for making you cut and paste!

