Below you will find the remaining professional development opportunities for the Spring 2019 semester. Registration for events is appreciated for preparation of materials and confirmation of location seating.
Mid-February – April Book Club: Title TBD
ACADAOS Professional Development Points: 20
Please contact Amanda Crall.25 if you would like to participate.
Thurs., Feb. 14 | 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Workshop: What Makes a Quality Proposal?
Derby Hall 1186
ACADAOS Professional Development Points: 10
Please register to attend: Register for What Makes a Quality Proposal Workshop
Fri., Feb. 15 | 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Regional Campus Visit: Marion
Depart from Gerlach Hall
ACADAOS Professional Development Points: 10
Please contact Eric Hinkle.183 no later than Feb. 4 to participate.
Thurs., Mar. 7 | 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Workshop: Disability Services 201: Identity and Inclusion
Jennings 140
ACADAOS Professional Development Points: 10
Please register to attend:
Wed., Mar. 13 | 12:30 – 2:00 PM
Brown Bag Lunch: Working with Student Athletes: SASSO Updates and Sharing Best Practices
Derby Hall 1080
ACADAOS Professional Development Points: 5
Please register to attend: Register for SASSO Brown Bag
Lunch provided, but attendance limited to first 40 registrants.
Thurs., Mar. 28 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Brown Bag Lunch: University Library Undergraduate Programs & Services
Thompson Library 204
ACADAOS Professional Development Points: 5
Please register to attend: Register for Library Brown Bag
Wed., April 3 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Brown Bag Lunch: Mentor Program Check-in
Derby Hall 1080
Please register to attend: Register for Mentor Porgram Check-in Brown Bag