Working with Students with ADHD

Please join us for the first Brown Bag Lunch event of the semester on Tuesday, September 24th, from 12:00pm-1pm in PAES A143. Tiffany Halsell, Graduate Student Services Coordinator from the College of Education and Human Ecology, will be facilitating the discussion. She is trained in coaching teens and college students with ADHD how to make positive life changes and will share ways we can better support our students with ADHD.

Please RSVP for the event if you can, so we make sure to have enough materials for everyone. RSVP at the following link:

Feel free to bring your lunch, and we hope to see you there!

Professional Development Committee

NACADA’s Virtual Conference: Building Community and Embracing Change: The Global Voices of Women in Academic Advising

Hello ACADAOS Members,

The Professional Development Committee is sponsoring a viewing of NACADA’s Virtual Conference: Building Community and Embracing Change: The Global Voices of Women in Academic Advising

Sessions begin each hour!

Tuesday., Sept. 10

Starting at 10am -5pm

Baker Systems 210E

Please register to attend:  24 Hour Conference

(Registration is not required, but helpful for planning purposes.)

Schedule of sessions at On NACADA’s Website

Please feel free to share this with others who might be interested.

The Professional Development Committee

Brown Bag Lunch: Working with Student Athletes: SASSO Updates and Sharing Best Practices

We would like to thank our wonderful partners in SASSO for the great updates and information they shared with advisors at this months Brown Bag Lunch. This event was a great way for us to learn about ways we can better serve our student athletes, network with our colleagues, and get questions answered to help us better serve our student athletes. Here are some key takeaways:

  • SASSO Permission to Drop Letter. Student athletes must maintain full-time status in autumn and spring in order to remain active. However, dropping a course could also affect their percentage of completion towards their degree for eligibility and financial aid purposes. For this reason, if a student athlete comes to you to drop a class, they should have a SASSO approved drop letter to provide you. If you are unsure as to whether it is okay to drop a course for a student athlete, reach out to their SASSO advisor.
  • Encourage your faculty to complete the instructor feedback reports. Less than 30% are being completed at this time, and these reports help SASSO proactively support students before the end of the semester. This year, the feedback reports are being sent out in weeks 6 and 12.
  • If you ever have any questions when working with student athletes, please do not hesitate to reach out to the student’s SASSO advisor.

Spring 2019 Professional Development Opportunities

Below you will find the remaining professional development opportunities for the Spring 2019 semester. Registration for events is appreciated for preparation of materials and confirmation of location seating.

Mid-February – April Book Club: Title TBD

ACADAOS Professional Development Points:  20

Please contact Amanda Crall.25 if you would like to participate.


Thurs., Feb. 14 | 1:30 – 2:30 PM

Workshop:  What Makes a Quality Proposal?

Derby Hall 1186

ACADAOS Professional Development Points:  10

Please register to attend:  Register for What Makes a Quality Proposal Workshop

Fri., Feb. 15 | 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM


Regional Campus Visit:  Marion

Depart from Gerlach Hall

ACADAOS Professional Development Points:  10

Please contact Eric Hinkle.183 no later than Feb. 4 to participate.

Thurs., Mar. 7 | 3:30 – 5:00 PM


Workshop: Disability Services 201: Identity and Inclusion

Jennings 140

ACADAOS Professional Development Points:  10

Please register to attend:

Wed., Mar. 13 | 12:30 – 2:00 PM


Brown Bag Lunch:  Working with Student Athletes: SASSO Updates and Sharing Best Practices

Derby Hall 1080

ACADAOS Professional Development Points:  5

Please register to attend:  Register for SASSO Brown Bag

Lunch provided, but attendance limited to first 40 registrants.

Thurs., Mar. 28 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM


Brown Bag Lunch:  University Library Undergraduate Programs & Services

Thompson Library 204

ACADAOS Professional Development Points:  5

Please register to attend:  Register for Library Brown Bag

Wed., April 3 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM


Brown Bag Lunch:  Mentor Program Check-in

Derby Hall 1080

Please register to attend:  Register for Mentor Porgram Check-in Brown Bag

Reminder: ACADAOS Book Club In-Person Discussion

Please join the ACADAOS Book Club for an in-person discussion on Friday, February 8th at 9:00am in room 301 in the Student Academic Services Building to discuss our thoughts and hear other perspectives on how we can incorporate what we learned  from “GRIT: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” into our work with students and within our personal lives. We will have some breakfast snacks available and be giving attendees the opportunity to provide ideas and feedback on the next book! While an RSVP is not required, if you know you plan to attend, please complete this quick RSVP, so we can have an idea of attendance numbers.

Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you didn’t read the book or were unable to participate in online discussions!

Please mark your calendars and let me us know if you have any questions. For more information on upcoming events, please visit the ACADAOS website. Thanks!

The ACADAOS Book Club Committee:

Hannah Bushman, Amanda Crall, Emily Guthrie, Kelsey Jarrett, Rachel Steele, Lindsay Tolchin, Rachel Tuttle