
The Equity & Inclusion Committee is pleased to promote “Movember” events during the month of November offered by CCS to support Men’s Mental and Physical Health awareness.


Friday November 17, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 PM: Destigmatizing Emotions – Mental Health amongst Asian Men Zoom Workshop with Bansari Thakkar and Cheryl James

This workshop will explore the topic of mental health amongst Asian men, reflect on cultural and societal expectations, and how that could affect your ability to ask for help or support. We will discuss vulnerability and how to recognize, express and, most importantly, normalize emotions. We will review and discuss what therapy is and how it can be a helpful tool in supporting you and your mental health. This workshop will also explore and provide other simple wellness tips/techniques to take care of your mental health.

Wednesday November 29, 3:00-5:00 PM.: Movember Wrap Up Tabling @ The RPAC with CCS Staff

Stop by our Table at the RPAC for some CCS swag and good conversation as we wrap up Movember and head into finals season.

Other events of note:

Tuesday November 7, 6:00 – 7:00 PM: Mindful Masculinity: Intuitive Living and Eating for Men Zoom Workshop with the Student Wellness Center, featuring Janelle Bayless and Jake Gorham

In a world where men’s mental health and holistic well-being are crucial and sometimes overlooked, this interactive learning session dives into the realm of mindful masculinity. Join us as we explore how the principles of intuitive living and eating can be harnessed to benefit mental wellness, healthy relationships with food and promote positive body image. In this thought-provoking workshop, we will delve into the challenges that men face in navigating societal expectations and the impact these can have. We will debunk myths surrounding health and body weight, shedding light on the harmful effects of diet culture on well-being. By promoting awareness of weight stigma, we aim to empower men to challenge these biases and embrace body respect. This is an opportunity to engage in open dialogue to share and listen to other’s life experiences. This event is part of Movember, an awareness month about men’s physical and mental health issues.

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