Our theme this year, Advising Renaissance: Awakening the Drive and Passion within Students, invites advisors to submit proposals focusing and exploring a variety of topics. Region 5 is proud to be the largest region in NACADA, and we expect to see excellent proposals from a diverse array of presenters, institutions, and on various topics. The goal of this conference supports the Region 5 mission by “promoting student success by advancing the field of academic advising globally.” Through the regional conference, our goal is continued opportunities for professional development, networking, and advancement of advising within our region and beyond. To review proposal submission instructions and submit a proposal, use the ONLINE SUBMISSION PORTAL!
In an effort to build connections within the work being done in Region V, all proposals will need to identify the one to two NACADA Core Competencies that will be addressed. We look forward to hearing about what you are working on and while there are many topics you could choose from, here are some topics our members are looking to learn about:
- Advising to enrich the higher education experience (e.g. addressing failure and making meaning, career and graduate school advising, etc.)
- Advising within the Complete College America framework (e.g. 15 to Finish, Momentum Pathways, etc.)
- Personal development for advising practice (e.g. preparation, evaluation, sustainability, self-care, etc.)
- Advising special populations including but not limited to first-year, at-risk, nontraditional, or online students
- Engaging in assessment (of individual advisors or of advising programs)
- Advising theory and/or student development theory
- Innovative use of technology
There are many formats to choose from. Be sure to consider the advantages of them all:
- Preconference workshops are highly participatory sessions that last from 2-5 hours. Due to the length of preconference workshops, presenters should plan to include some lecture as well as possible small and large group activities, and a question and answer period. Preconference workshops should be very hands-on and issue specific with material, activities, strategies, and techniques that the participants can effectively use in the individual stations.
- Roundtable discussions are slightly more informal than other presentations. They are usually limited to short, general commentaries that will stimulate exchange between the audience and the moderators. Issues and ideas related to the field of advising will be broadly stated. Feedback and discourse is expected from those attending the session. It is a medium to introduce ideas, explore thoughts, and search for answers to problems.
- Paper or topic presentations discuss current issues in advising. Some are based on research, some share best practices, and some are developmental, while others are theoretical. The format may be mostly lecture with a discussion following or a more informal discussion.
- Panel discussions are designed to explain or involve various presenters from different institutions looking at the same topic from various angles. They do not include several presenters from one institution speaking on the same topic. If that if your presentation, it will not be considered a panel and should be proposed as a paper or topic presentation.
- Poster sessions provide an informal opportunity to network and solicit feedback and ideas from all conference participants. The Poster Session is especially useful for new advisors who want to “get their feet wet” presenting at a conference or you have a new and innovative program to share with your colleagues. You will bring your completed poster to the conference and we will provide space to exhibit your poster.
All concurrent sessions will be approximately 50 minutes long. Although the program committee will make every effort to honor your requested format option, the committee may recommend an alternate format in order to accept as many proposals as possible. Presenters will be notified via e-mail.
To help you in building a strong conference proposal, check out NACADA’s article on avoiding plagiarism.
Submit your proposal TODAY!
We are also looking for individuals to volunteer on to read proposals. If you would be interested in helping please fill out the volunteer form by the extended date: October 1, 2018!