- Vittadini, E., Clubbs, E., Shellhammer, T.H. and Vodovotz, Y. Effect of high pressure processing and addition of glycerol and salt on the properties of water in corn tortillas. Journal of Cereal Science, 39(1):109-117.
- Clubbs, E. A., Vittadini, E., Shellhammer T.H. and Vodovotz, Y. Changes in the mechanical properties of corn tortillas due to the addition of glycerol and salt and selective high pressure treatments. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 6(3):304-309.
- Clubbs, E. A., Vittadini, E., Shellhammer T.H. and Vodovotz, Y. Effects of Storage on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Corn Tortillas. Journal of Cereal Science, 47:162-171
Reviews and Abstracts
- Clubbs, T. Shellhammer, Y. Vodovotz, 2002. Effects of glycerol and salt on the physico-chemical properties of corn tortillas. IFT Book of Abstracts, P.135.
- Vittadini, E. Clubbs, J. Sachleben, Y. Vodovotz. 2002. Effects of High Pressure and Glycerol on the Physico-chemical Properties of Corn Tortillas. 6thInternational Conference on Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science, Paris. FRANCE.
- A. Clubbs, T.H. Shellhammer and Y. Vodovotz. 2002. Effects of high pressure processing on the physio-chemical properties of corn tortillas. AACC Book of Abstracts, P.154.
- A. Clubbs, T. H. Shellhammer, and Y. Vodovotz. 2004. Effects of storage on the physico-chemical properties of corn tortillas. IFT Book of Abstracts, P.66.
Papers in proceedings
- Clubbs, E., Vittadini, E., Shellhammer, T.H. and Vodovotz, Y. Extending the shelf-life of corn tortillas: effects of high pressure processing and added glycerol. SAE paper number 2003-01-2382, 33rd International Conference on Environmental Systems meeting.
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