Oculi Mundi (Eyes of the World)

Old map showing 2 spheres. One sphere is of the Americas and the other is Asia. California is shown as an island

Founded by Dr. Neil Sunderland over 30 years ago, this formerly private collection of antique maps and globes is now digitized for world access.  The virtual platform of Oculi Mundi (Eyes of the World) was created specifically for this endeavor.  The collection will continue to grow and includes maps from the 15th – 19th centuries.

At it’s heart, Oculi Mundi allows access by “Explore” (wandering through the maps) or by “Research” (a formal timeline/gallery)  Both offer filters.  But there is more.  There is a timeline showing important maps as well as historical dates,  a reference library with short histories of map makers and in the future, Oculi Mundi plans to do online exhibitions.

“Stories” offers short discussions of various map topics. Presently “How to Read Old Maps I & II” and “Map Projections” are featured.

If you like to look at old maps & globes, Oculi Mundi is an enjoyable site to visit.